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Xbox 360 Shortage Coming To An End

It looks like the Xbox 360 shortage may finally be coming to and end. During his DICE appearance, Peter Moore said, “Within the next four to six weeks, anybody will be able to walk into a store and buy an Xbox 360.”

Even here in Canada the 360 shortage seems to be much better with places like EB Games “almost” caught up to preorders.

“All of our pre-orders taken before charismas have now been honored, and as of right now, we only have 1 or 2 people on our list.” Commented one EB Games employee in Ontario.

Online retailers like Amazon now seem to have Xbox 360 bundles in stock on a somewhat regular basis. Though most 360′s are sold in bundles priced at $899 and up.

EBay auctions have calmed down considerably over the past few weeks. It is expected that within the next few weeks, you might even be able to find a new 360 for less than retail. Before Christaas, it was not uncommon to find Xbox 360′s selling for well over $2,000(USD).

Microsoft is hoping to sell 4.5 to 5-million Xbox 360′s by the end of June. With shortages all but under control, it will be interesting to see if that number can actually be reached.

For more news, check out our Xbox 360 site or our Nintendo Revolution site.