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Star Wars Old Republic: Be Careful The Top Four Hidden Trap

In addition to simply beauty fatigue, the reason force I left the World of Warcraft there are many reasons. Why mention World of Warcraft, because “Star Wars: The Old Republic” the unprecedented scale let me have the feeling that BioWare follow the same old disastrous road of Blizzard, and is likely to be harmful to the game. So,for hidden trap Bioware need to swtor credits sale developed a positive upgrade program after starting, I hope they can put into practice. Now is not 2004, game developers can not be a pleasure to make games. “Star Wars: The Old Republic” will have to face those players who are looking to upgrade and require regular upgrade. As a charge game, it is more need to upgrade frequent.


Trap 3: Forum out of control

Since 2006, I have never logged in “World of Warcraft” forum. “World of Warcraft” players increases make the traditional forum questions become serious, even to the situation as out of hand. This shows that: Blizzard from the start at some point lost control of the player community. Although they tried to restore , and even tried to register real names, but there is little reason, the need rational exchange players already fled the dangerous place.

I have not to conduct a comprehensive assessment of the BioWare forums. I mean, now is the best time to make active preparations in order to inevitable confusion. If BioWare wise enough, it should be immediately placed in a clear-headed forum mediation team, timely deal with unexpected events. Because once the forum out of SWTOR Credits control, it is extremely difficult to save, especially when people are aware of this later.


Trap 4: reject criticism

BioWare should be noted the last trap. Not everyone is willing to be at the mercy of developers. Of course, there are still some people will do. This is good because they have a positive way of thinking, the developer can increase confidence, and provide firm support. However, whether played the game, someone made criticism of the developer. The worst approach would reject criticism.I know, difficult to accept criticism.  Therefore, the best approach is to sincerely listen to