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Runescape Member Task Raiders: druidic ritral

Runescape member task raiders: druidic ritral, after accomplish this task, you can open the skills of Herblore.

Task difficulty: easy

Required items: raw chicken, raw beef, raw beer meat, raw rat meat

Task reward: 250 herblore experience value, open skills to make herblore

Tasks point bonus: 4 NPC: Kaqemeex, Sanfew.

Member required: need

Task process:

1. to find Kaqemeex in the Druid’s circle of Taverly (the city in the west side of F which has a lot of druid, druid’s circle in the north) and talk with him asked him if there is quest to do. He will call you to find Sanfew.

2. Find the second floor of the store Taverly which sell made-medicine tools, Sanfew was there, and talk with him. He called you to prepare four kinds of raw meat (see above) to do his medicine.

3. Prepare the four kinds of meat and went to the south of Taverly, you’ll see the stairs for down, go there. You inside a hole now, go inside, see the suit of armor (Lvl 19)? Next to them is a prison door, try to open it and have a look, suit of armor may attack you, kill it. Then enter that door, you’ll see a Caudron of Thunder, using the four kinds of raw meat in the Thunder,the four kinds of raw meat will become blue, becoming enchanted meat.

4: Back to Sanfew, give the four kinds of meat to him, then go back and talk with Kaqemeex who take the tasks, complete the task, and open the skills of Herblore.


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