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Buy Wow Gold Without Blizzard Being Able To Trace

Gold buying is not allowed in game line, no matter for what kind of game, this action is strongly against, the game companies in order to provide a harmony and fair game environment, they will do great endeavors. As for World of Warcraft, farming is one of the most boring thing in the game, many players, they will stick to buy wow gold vip from suppliers even bearing the risk of getting banned, so how to avoid Blizzard’ eyes and do safe trade, will share with players this article on how to buy wow gold without Blizzard being abel to trace it.

Make sure to choose a professional and experienced seller to buy

It’s very important to choose a professional and experienced seller, instead of the cheapest. Many buyers, their wow account get banned for buying gold is because they always prefer the cheapest sellers, in fact, the gold from these sellers are not safe, in many case, come from hacking which will directly lead players accounts get banned.

For professional and experienced sellers, they can not only guarantee the gold from legal ways, but also knowing the Blizzard rules on trace gold buying, so they will think ways out and find out the safest way to help players buy wow gold safely.

Make sure to use alt to trade

To create an alt to trade and then delete it will double ensure players won’t get traced by Blizzard, as for the experienced sellers, they will also do the same way. If players buy gold from the unexperienced sellers, it’s very likely they will use a never changing alt to make the delivery, once the seller’s account in trouble, all related characters will be also get involved. Although it’s not recommended to use the main character to do trade, but if players stick to use, then players make sure to offer something in the trade box to make the trade like a real one happed between players.

Make sure avoiding the day before maintenance to buy

On the maintaining day, Blizzard will not only revise bugs, but also the system will trace on the trade that looks strange, but which mainly affect and aim to sellers. There are two disadvantages of buying gold on these days, first, the risk will be relatively higher than usual, second, the delivery speed will be also much longer, for many sellers will stop to farm on the day before maintaining, which will lead gold shortage in the market. If players do need in the gold on that day, then please make sure to buy from very good sellers, such as, for they are very experienced and can help players buy wow gold 5.0 without Blizzard being able to trace.