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Is It True That Anime Sucks

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Some people love anime and cartoons. People are divided on their opinions about anime. For others, they think that anime is already on the decline since the 1980s but anime fans believed that it greatly improves through the years. Honestly, there are still lots of people who are not avid anime fanatics, for them anime sucks. For some reasons, they look at anime as the worst form of media that currently exists. Actually, the word anime is a slang word of animation. This is mostly used by Japanese animation. Needless to say, all anime are related to Japanese animation. 

There is a notion that when a movie is converted into an anime, it is an indication that the movie film sucks. It is also an indication that the movie has low budget. However, for the anime fans, movies are made into anime because there are things that cannot be done by real people. That is true before but now when the movie has big budget, they can do whatever actions they want as long as the actors are willing to do it. The fact is, there are still live actions done in anime that cannot be done by real actors.

Another reason why anime sucks is the influence is does on its viewers. You can see that people especially the younger generations would dress up like their favorite anime characters while at the same time copy the hairdo of the anime characters. You cannot deny that anime fans are really obsessed that they forget they look unattractive. They would dress and act like their favorite anime character even if it looks odd on them. Fans of anime say and do the darnedest actions and things you can imagine. 

Anime is not really a bad thing except for the two things mentioned above. Let’s face it; you cannot prevent people from saying negative things about anime. Some comments are immature and irritating but then, people are responsible for making anime should see this as way they can improve it. They should attempt to improve and correct the bad arguments usually attached on anime in general. If they would be successful in getting rid of the incorrect reviews, arguments and comments that anime sucks. Overall, you would need lots of imagination before you can appreciate anime. If you condition your thoughts on the positive sides of anime, you will actually like anime.