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Experiences for my happy wedding

When I was a little girl, I really liked playing wedding games and became a beautiful bride. In addition, I also played computer games, some dress up games to choose the wonderful wedding dress for brides in games. I wish I will have a day becoming a happy bride.

And that day is coming, I am becoming a bride in next month and I am both looking forward to it and worried much about it. I really want everything will be fine, the wedding party will take place in the happy atmosphere and everyone will be satisfied with it. I started all things I needed to do before the wedding six months ago. I found out a lot of information from taking care of my skin, choosing wedding dress, shoes, accessories, and of course, listing how many guests in my wedding, taking photos, after that making album, booking the place to celebrate our wedding, many other things.

I become worried and under the pressure. Fortunately, my husband in future is always by my side, helps me a lot of things. He understands me and want me relaxes. One day, he comes to me and we played dress up games for groom and brides in the computer. I am really happy for that, funny characters in games make me have a lot of fun and I feel more comfortable. I refresh myself and restart to prepare for our wedding in happy feelings. I search the needed information in the internet and find out some as following.

-          First of all, make a budge, make plan for how much I can spend for my wedding.

-          Make a list of guests and invitations will be mailed or call four to six weeks in advance.

-          Start finding and shopping for a wedding dress six months in advance, maybe it will have several fittings before it is perfect. Specially, when shopping for the wedding dress, state the price range at the beginning.

-          Do hairstyle and makeup before putting on the wedding dress.

-          Make plan for honey moon six months in advance, book airplane tickets and hotels in advance for sure, check information of the arrival destination. Make all arrangements and reservations well in advance.

-          Choose a photographer and make wedding album. View his or her photographs to see if like their style or not.

-          Make detailed photocopies of the wedding day schedule beginning that morning and continuing until the departure for the honey moon. Give copies of the schedule to all parents as well as everyone in the wedding party.

-          Prepare “Thank you” notes for all wedding gifts received.

-          Prepare a wedding cake and make a list of food and drink that will have in the wedding party.

Everything seems to be fine now, I feel quite comfortable and satisfied about that. Now, I will make a plan to do each work and of course, I have to spend time for take good care of my skin and keep fit. It is very important. Also, I want to spend time on entertaining such as, listening music, watching movies, playing games, etc. And I’m looking forward to my most important day coming soon.