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Online strategy games 2012

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With the current generation of consoles coming to a close and the next one just around the corner, the year ahead is shaping up to be one of the most exciting the gaming industry’s ever seen – and the quality of the new free online strategy game just over the horizon looks better than ever, too. Almost every video game’s development cycle is plagued with problems and pressure, but “Dota 2” had to struggle through legal troubles on top of any other headaches. This online game strategy serves as the sequel to the popular War craft III mod “Defense of the Ancients,” and its transition from being known by the acronym D.O.T.A. to becoming a separate, lowercase standalone brand has been a rocky one.

Things seem to be all smooth out now, though, which means fans can breathe a sigh of relief and finally look forward to the online strategy game itself without worry. The game looks to be shaping up into something truly special, too, as you’ll take command of a hero who levels up over the course of real-time battles, hacking and slashing through hordes of foes to protect your towers and take down your enemies’ fortresses. Expect refinements across the board from what you first enjoyed back in the War craft III era – and, if you’re a mod creator, take encouragement here. If you make something truly excellent, you might just have your own series someday.

Star craft II:

You can play free online strategy games like star craft 11. It’s been almost two years now since Star craft II first went on sale as “Star craft II: Wings of Liberty,” which focused its single-player campaign on the series’ Terrain race. Blizzard promised that Zerg and Protons campaigns would follow later on, and while we still don’t have a firm release date set in stone, we’re confident that Heart of the Swarm will see release soon.

This second piece of the planned Star craft II trilogy will bring back Zerg queen Kerrigan and focus on telling her part of the on-going interstellar war story – while myriad tweaks and new units roll out to officially become part of the game’s massive multiplayer community. We can’t wait to start spawning Zerglings once more – but after we get our fill here; the wait will begin again for the release of the Protoss-focused Legacy of the Void sometime in the more distant future.

Pokémon Conquest

It is also among the top free strategy games online. The gaming industry is crazy for crossovers between franchises now, but none of them can match the wild pairing of a kid-focused, mass market RPG series full of cartoon monsters with a hardcore, incredibly niche, wholly insular strategy franchise only ever truly enjoyed by the smallest fraction of gamers around the world. Such is the strange reality of Pokémon + Nobunaga’s Ambition, though, which will ship to North America in June renamed as “Pokémon Conquest.” Free online games strategy is used in all these games.

Find more information relating to free online strategy game, and play free online strategy games here.