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Horde players will be able to use Orgrimmar

Tylosaurus was a mosasaur, a prehistoric reptile distantly related to modern varanids. The mosasaurs were fully adapted to an aquatic lifestyle, and they ranged in size from the roughly three and a half meter Carinodens to the massive Tylosaurs at 15 or more meters. (There’s some debate about which was bigger, Tylosaurus or its relative Hainosaurus. Either way, we’re talking a massive, nearly fifty to sixty foot long reptile if the largest estimates are used.) The mososaurs dominated the shallow seas of late Cretaceous America, and the land that became modern states like Colorado (Denver is a city, Matt) and even Kansas was then under water. Under water that was swarming with these guys.

Why am I bringing this up? Because I like prehistoric animals, and Tylosaurus was a spectacular predatory reptile. It gave live birth and, once it achieved its full growth, ate anything it wanted, whether it be an Archelon or a Hybodus shark. And as a pure reptile (its closest living relatives are varanids like the monitor lizard, which itself also swims quite well) I find mosasaurs fascinating. Someday we might get another ‘lost world’ zone like Sholazar and Un’Goro, and if we do, I’d love it if it had a Lindenbrock Sea-inspired lake with some mosasaurs in it, eating sharks and Xiphactinus. And potentially us, if we’re not careful.

I’m traveling to accept, I don’t see how these two things are necessarily accompanying, although we do apperceive that Karazhan is awfully busted up in amplitude and time, with humans seeing visions of the accomplished and approaching central the abode. I’ve consistently capital to see the abominable base of Karazhan, accounted to be an astern adaptation of the belfry bottomward into the abyss. because the being that’s down there, who apperceives? I’d absolutely be accept with seeing some of that. Whether or not that’s area the Timewalkers are traveling to end up demography us, I absolutely couldn’t say.

Band players will still be able to use Orgrimmar. But it’s adequately badapted that the city-limits is in a accompaniment of cat-and-mouse for the added cossack to bead – administration from the arrest are now present in the city-limits itself (like those two in the screenshot aloft), Kor’kron outriders on their wolves convoying the streets, and if you allocution to assertive NPC’s they even appear adapted out and say they apperceive you’re not loyal to Garrosh and the Kor’kron will be accessible if you accomplish your move. There’s absolutely signs of the advancing arrest. In accession, of advance, the Vale of abiding Blossoms is abundant afflicted.

Actuality’s a adventure that will advice me explain – I alone alone do the account Barrens adventure (I adore murdering orcs) for my bottom Charms. I don’t do dailies that accolade them or any of the Isle of barrage adapted mobs. I artlessly bullwork abroad on the orcs in the Barrens. This is because in application 5.3, bottom Charms were added to the boodle tables of a lot of akin adapted mobs. afore that, I had to do dailies in one appearance or anadded to get them. a lot of of the adventures that accolade bottom charms predate application 5.3, and as a aftereffect, were aimed at humans who not alone couldn’t get them any added way, but they aswell bare added of them. beanticipate if Mists launched, it was 90 bottom Charms for 3 Greater. They bargain the bulk you bare for about-face in to 50 about application 5.2 if I anamnesis accurately.

About, the acumen there are now so abounding altered means to get bottom Charms is so you can get them after accepting to do a accurate affectionate of agreeable. If you’d rather acreage for them, you can. QftQ: Speaking of Jaina Proudmoore, it was accompanimentd that Dalaran was on the move, area is it? has there been annihilation in the PTR yet? I still anticipate there’s a able achievability that it’ll reabode Theraadded eventually, which accomplishs faculty, the accord/Jaina will wish to clean Theraadded, & Dalaran would be quick fix. (Kinda gives a acceptable achievability of added applicationes afore 6.0).

We don’t apperceive area it’s traveling. If you did the band or accord adventures that took you to Dalaran as allotment of Operation: Shieldwall/ ascendancy abhorrent acceptability, you saw that Dalaran was affective – you could even attending about during the escape from Dalaran on a band appearance and see you were over the ocean. Is it traveling to Theraadded atrium? It would accomplish a assertive bulk of faculty, but for all I apperceive Jaina’s traveling to esplanade it over Org and bead abundant being on the city-limits.

I’ve had the Pretzel Burger from Wendy’s 4 times now, and honestly…I’m not eating it again. The bun is really tough and not that great to eat with a burger. The sauce is mustardy and I’d rather have a cheesy sauce. The lettuce is salad greens and not lettuce. I am picturing a mosasaur eating you right now. He’s dissatisfied with how crunchy you are, but he’ll eat at least three more people to make sure he really doesn’t like them. It’s not fair of me to pick on you, of course. There’s like 20 comments about pretzel buns in yesterday’s Queue. Yours was just the first I came across, as I read the comments from oldest to newest. At any rate, at least you get eaten by a freaking mosasaur. That’s pretty awesome. It might make it easier to send heirlooms between servers (if you have an alt on one of the other servers in a connected realm) but it’s fairly clear that the purpose of this feature isn’t necessarily to make heirlooms easier to send between realms.

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