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Learn new skills of pet Alterac in blizzard world of warcraft pet store

You may have known some information about Alterac in blizzard world of warcraft pet store. But before, we just know this pet is used as the charitable project of blizzard. Today blizzard did the actual test and found the new skills of pet Alterac.

The new pet Alterac add to Blizzard pet store are a powerful shield pet who is called the bane of machinery. Why? Because this pet has special skills compared with other pets. Its panel properties are 1400/289/289. Tapping is not low. Speed is not slow. Blood is not less. The following are the detail introduction about skills of Alterac from

1. Avalanche

This is why Alterac is called machinery bane. This skill can be used as AOE skill at early stage. Then it can be powerful monomer attack skills later. In AOE situation, three pets can suffer 200 damages. Income is equal to the mechanical panda dragon elements of arrows. In monomer situation, 600 + element can completely beat most mechanical damage to disabilities.

2. Crazy howl

This is the main reason that we calling Alterac the strongest shield. It can reduce 25% damage from enemy in battles. Furthermore, the 289 speed can ensure the stave release in most cases. This pet is harder in battles than it looks like.

3. Hard armor and soft install

The actual effect exactly equals to the armor shield wall of hardening mechanical pet. Because the speed of 289 is easy to release shield Wall with excellent results. Coordinated with the previous crazy howl, this skill makes it become the m hardest pets.

4. Call dog group

The attack mode of this pet is a little similar to the rascal twist of the robot. It can call out the three puppies to do fixed three damages to enemy, and make the enemy hurt double under the current round and round. Collocated with an avalanche and delay damage team,, this skill can lead to excellent results.

Just as we emphasized before, the characteristics of this pet is very hard. If it‘s crazy howl and shield wall can be used collocated, it is completely not afraid even when meet the enemy’ mechanical attack. Recently, you can find much information about the hardness of the pet on

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