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if there should be some changes in runescape 99 skill capes?


Some players sense that there should be some changes in runescape 99 skill capes, because they think that 99 skill capes currently pretty useless except for showing off the mastery of the skill. Assuredly, the God Capes, which you can get at level 60 magic, are providing more magic crit than the 99 magic capes. So what’s your opinion about these changes below?

99 Skill Capes should be changed
1. Giving a sizable boost in hp while you wear it. Like Constitution cape, 99 skill capes can runescape 2007 gold change for giving players a sizable boost in hp while you wear it. At present, you can boost the stat to 100, but what does that even do? Nothing. It does absolutely nothing to have a buff up to 100 in crafting or gathering skills, because there is nothing you can only craft or gather at level 100, and even if there was, potions would outweigh the temporary boost.
2. Allowing chopping trees at a faster rate when wearing it. Like Woodcutting cape, operating the cape will give a temporary boost and allowing you to chop trees at a faster rate when wearing it. 
3. Owning higher chance at saving potion ingredients like Herblore cape.
4. Each cape should have to increase xp rates for that related skill, so long as you wear it.

99 Skill Capes should not be changed
1. Some players would rather see those types of items drops in game or rewards from D&Ds, minigames, quests, etc. rather than rs07 gold for sale getting the 99 skill being the end game content.
2. If anything, some players believe that the Tokhaar-Kal is the one that needs the boost and be equivalent to the Amulet of Fury of capes. Skill capes are all purpose capes and for anyone not concerned with a +.5% crit bonus.
3. Some players consider that the changes of 99 skill capes will make the game too easy to challenge.

What’s your opinion about that idea? If you support this idea, then tell us what you think would be reasonable buffs to be added to the skill capes. If not, then tell us why. You can post your opinion here.