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Tell you the Guide for the Sorcerer Healing Class with Practical Tips and Tricks

First and foremost, we are glad to see the login issue be resolved in swtor. What our players need most ie just what we should be committed in. The Sorcerer healing class has been an all-around preferred healing class since the game’s release. This is partially due to a few nerfs to Sorcerer DPS over time, partially because of the simple and relatively easy manner in which they heal. As to such points, we would like to provide you with some practical tips and tricks on building it.

An overview of the swtor Corruption Sorcerer Healing:

A Corruption Sorcerer’s healing basically focuses on three core abilities: Static Barrier; Resurgence and Innervate. With Dark Infusion as the usual filler, Revivification as the AoE heal and Dark Heal for any on-demand fast healing, Sorcerers have the only 8 men AoE heal in the game, which is not only a great heal for the whole ops group, but when used properly can also help you regain HP while Consuming for Force.

Tips and tricks of the healing are as follows.

Static Barrier:

Static Barrier will heal you since you have corrupted Barrier talent, which will heal you for 1% per second for every second the barrier is active on yourself. It can be a good way to keep your HP up while healing rest of the raid. If you do take a huge hit and failed to barrier yourself in time, unnatural preservation can be used to recover from it.


Extrication is a very helpful way to save people from deadly mechanics that they won’t otherwise be able to avoid, but remember that it will also lower the threat of the target. Due to this point, if you are going to Extricate a tank you should always tell them to ensure that they can taunt the boss back afterwards to regain the threat that they will lose.

Force Speed and Force Barrier:

Force Speed allows you to escape quickly from undesirable raid mechanics or one shot skills. If you don’t have enough time to run away, you can just pop your Force Barrier as an alternative and allow you to immune to damage most of the time. Seize your chance in your game.

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