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Look At Dual Wielding VS Chaotic Staff with cheapest rs 07 gold

Nex is one of the most powerful generals of Zaros.A suitable weapon sometimes will be the key to win. Therefore, as for defeating Nex, Dual Wielding vs Chaotic Staff, which one will be better with cheapest rs 07 gold?
Chaotic staff
A chaotic staff is a two-handed magic weapon. You need a Magic level of 80 and a Dungeoneering level of 80 to wield. Once you own it, it can be used approximately 10 hours of combat. Once these charges have been used up, you must be recharged before it may be used again; it has a 20% charge on purchase. 
Using a Chaotic staff, a player using Magic spells can easily reach close to their Max Hit. This is due to the 20% damage bonus that comes along with the staff.
Dual wielding
Dual wielding is a feature, which consists of wielding two weapons, a main-hand weapon in the weapon slot and an off-hand weapon in the shield slot. 
Dual wielding and two-handed weapons both provide 150% the damage of a sole main-hand weapon, but they lack the defensive stats and abilities granted by a shield.
Dual wielding and two-handed weapons both provide 150% the damage of a sole main-hand weapon, but they lack the defensive stats and abilities granted by a shield.
Dual Wielding VS Chaotic Staff
1. The dual wield setup is superior because Concentrated blast is an awesome ability.
2. Dual wield is better if you plan to use debuffs, otherwise the Chaotic Staff is better being able to increase the accuracy of your next hit using Sonic Blast.
3. Dual wielding is always better, because you can camp shield.
4. If you’re using virtus wand and grif orb, you should probably choose a chaotic staff. If you’re tanking then you’re just as well to use an arcane spirit shield and virtus wand.

Based on that, choosing weapons should depend on what you cheapest rs 07 gold already have. Make your own decision and defeat Nex to gain some rare drops.
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