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The Introduction of Legacy Really Changed a Lot for RuneScape EoC

As we know, the legacy mode beta was released yesterday in RuneScape, and players are divided into two camps. Some of the players who miss old school RuneSacpe the whole time are really excited about the legacy. Some players who quitted the game a few years ago are even going to come back for the legacy. However, there are also some other players who dislike the legacy, because they believe legacy will affect EoC though Jagex said it wouldn’t. To be honest, the introduction of the legacy will definitely change something in RS. Here are some aspects you can see. 


Life Points from armour


We all know pre-eoc, hp was really only boosted by nex sets and the base hp was decided solely on stats. However, right now expensive gear decides how much hp you have, which made it so maxed combat players need to achieve the armor before they can take on the big bosses.

Although bossing isn’t the focus for legacy and I doubt anyone’s going to walk up to vorago in legacy mode, it’s still better for hp to center around a person’s stats and their hitpoints level rather than the gear they’re wearing.


Armor requirement changes


We need to accept that legacy is a way for Jagex to retrieve lost players who left because of eoc, and those players were mostly composed of pkers. Based on that, legacy will create an environment that is recognizable and understandable by those players. A JMod in the AAMA even commented that it opens up a slot for new tier 50 armor for the future.


Sara Brews


Lots of you do not like the changes to sara brews. Guess we all agree that brews were the best food option in the game. But for now, it’s just not worth the extra 200 hp when someone can just use a rocktail. So maybe it’s good news that Jagex is trying to revive the brew. 


Runescape eoc gold


Since a lot of people will join in RuneScape again, there will be great demand for Runescape 3 gold. Outside of the game, it may cause the increase of RS 3 gold for some Runescape gold selling sites. Therefore, before the final release of the legacy, store some RS gold will be your best choice. 

In this field, will be definitely recommended. They have 6 years experience in rs gold selling with low price, and recently they even offer a 10% free bonus with a 6% extra coupon to save you more before Jun, 30th. Rush to come RSorder now. 


It’s hard to tell whether the introduction of the legacy is good or not, while the final poll will give us the answer. What you need to do now is to try this legacy mode beta and then make your decision.