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A New World of Gaming

So far people have discovered that there are a lot of online websites where people can get together and play games in which they share a common interest. Such websites, however, have a common fault that they do not provide any means by which the players can communicate with each other. The main purpose of such websites is that they only prompt people to come together at a common portal or a website and then play the game after which they can leave. Such online websites do not promote social games where people can learn about others who are participating in the game. In fact, it would be a good idea to promote such games where instead of just being a name, people would get an opportunity to learn about others.


Technology has made it possible to get access to new ways of encouraging kids and the youth to learn new skills. By playing games, if someone can get a chance to learn new skills, whether they are social skills or any other, then it would be a very good way to combine passion and necessity. Games always interest people and this is the reason why online social games had become popular where people from across the world could get together and play to their heart’s content. In addition to only playing, by getting together on websites and online platforms such as people can now even play games where they would get to learn about the other participants. In this manner, social games have taken the logic of social media websites and platforms to a new level and have also allowed people of different communities, age and even nationalities to discover something new about others.


The games that are available on such websites can even be considered to help in developing social skills. Many people feel awkward about talking to someone they do not know and about starting a new conversation. But mutual passions such as online gaming can act as ice breakers and in this manner they would be able to broach new subjects to talk about and make friends. For this reason, it would not be wrong to call such websites and such games as social skills games. Apart from the fact that they encourage new people to get together, when you play on you are actually tested on how good or bad your skills are. You need to prove that you know your co-players well and that is the only way you would be able to win the game and score the highest points. To this end, the game itself prompts people to learn about the other participants.


For those players who have never experienced gaming of this nature, social games are worth trying and worth playing at least once in a lifetime. Such online social games are proof of the fact that the world of virtual gaming and virtual social networks is changing rapidly.



About The Author

Kim Statham is a big time advocate of social networking as a way of life in the recent times. She recommends as a great online social gaming network website which offers interesting avenues to get to know new people and have fun at the same time.