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Choose wowtoes to buy cheap wow gold instant delivery and 8% code

cheap wow gold instant delivery Buying wow gold through auction house is safer for reasons below.

1. It makes possible for buyers to avoid in game connection with wow gold sellers.

For face to face delivery, more or less, you have to connect with gold farmers. In most cases, you’ll be in a group and chat with delivery guy, wait to be traded near bank vault. Once Blizzard assumes the transaction is suspicious, they’ll dig your chat record and activities during this period; they can easily find your motivation.

For auction buyout delivery, you usually place an order with auction items and seller info on , then, wait the items to be bought. AH is an open market, everyone can purchase your auctions. So it appears to blizzard tracking system that you’re not doing it on purpose. Besides, Lootdude’s employees are not allowed to whisper our clients in game if there’s no emergency; we usually connect with clients via global txt service or livechat on our site. Blizzard won’t find any connections between us.

The No.1 way the players get caught for gold purchases is doing gold transactions through the mail. Blizzard watches the mail for large amount of gold sent from one player to another, and Blizzard also isn’t stupid, so don’t think that you re going to be safer if you asked gold seller to send it by small parts, like 1000 gold each time, that’s gonna do nothing to protect you.

The best way to transfer safe WOW gold is to do an auction buyout transaction, it allows you to avoid chatting with gold seller, you can list high level items (E.g. ilvl 417 gems, Quick Sunstone, etc) or even cheap epic items (E.g. Maelstrom Crystal) to cheat Blizzard. We have many buyers who use this way to buy gold 300k each time without any issues.

WoW Vanilla (or Classic, if yer feelin’ all nostalgic like) came out in 2004, which celebrating the tenth anniversary of the awesome RTS series (Plain ol’ Warcraft, fer you young ‘uns). It’s now 2014 (how long have I been asleep?), which means it’s the tenth anniversary of WoW itself and the twentieth of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. Big Daddy Blizzard has got a lot in store with Warlords of Draenor for us to celebrate.

Warlords of Draenor will be the fifth expansion in the MMO series and is expected to be released in the fall of 2014. It’ll further raise the level cap from 90 to an eye-watering 100, and will come with a host of new features and lore to learn. The game will pick up where Mists of Pandaria left off: Garrosh Hellscream has been overthrown by a combination of both Horde and Alliance forces and has been taken into custody to stand trial for the war crimes he committed in the peaceful land of Pandaria.

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