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Since the launch of 3.2 PTS, there are no changes available for Medicine Operatives and Sawbones Scoundrels. To improve the quality of life of healers, Bioware make some changes on Diagnostic, instead of healing and mobility. People think that it is not a game breaking but at least a misunderstanding policy for the game, which may make more swtor cheap credits lost in game.

Officially planned tweaks on Medicine and Sawbones

Medicine of Operative: Surprise Surgery now additionally allows Diagnostic Scan to channel while moving.
Sawbones of Scoundrel: Smuggled Med Delivery now additionally allows Diagnostic Scan to channel while moving.
These proposed changes aim to improve the Quality of Life of Medicine operative and Sawbones Scoundrel through enhanced mobility. It is not yet available on current PTS, but will be in the next PTS patch. At that time, everyone might as well test it online whether it is easy to use with cheap swtor credits from

Players have questioned this sample from the official

Actually, it is not a game breaking, but people would rather to see some changes on healing, especially a burst healing. When allowing players to cast while moving, the devs should know clearly how much mobility they give back to operatives. Once they couple more mobility on channeled skills, it will be very hard to pin down. Perhaps giving surgical probe energy cost is helpful to force healer ops to use diagnostic scan to reduce their mobility, but the focus is not energy issue. Similarly, people need swtor credits with fast delivery in game more than just cheap.

One is the lack of burst healing. In the current tier, an operative healer has to keep everyone topped off, because of burst damage. If it is hard for burst healing to balance around kolto probes, a 15 second CD on kolto probes may make it better. That means, once Burst Heal is used, it would put a cooldown on kolto probes, or they remain spammable.

Another is the lack of utility, which only happen for soloing and beating enrage timers. Currently, medicine dps is nowhere near what corruption sorcs and bodyguard mercs can put out. It is compounded by worse energy management issues when using damage abilities and the requirement of melee or close range. If a passive is added to the medicine tree, it can increase the range of overload shot to 30m and reduce the energy cost.

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