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WoW Patch 6.2 and safewow wow gold for sale Brings Nostalgiariffic Timewalk Weekends

Tell me, doctor, where are we going this time? Is this the fifties? Or nineteen ninety-nine? No Marty, we’re goin’ Back to Gundrak!

Listen, I’ve been sittin’ here tryin’ to think of a way to work “Gotta Get Back In Time” with WoW’s new Timewalk feature. It ain’t happenin, so that opening paragraph is the best yer gonna get. What’s Timewalk? Well, have ya ever thought about soakin’ in the sights and sounds of old school WoW dungeons and actually encounter a challenge? Want to get all nostalgic like and hammer old foes, that’s Timewalkin’!
Basically, when you get to visit old dungeons on a “heroic” difficulty level, and your characters power level and gear will be scaled down massively, meaning those old dungeons will pose a challenge once more. WAIT A SEC! I hear you say, why would I wanna do that? Well, Blizz is promising that just about every piece of loot you get in a Timewalker dungeon is scaled UP. After all, these old dungeons are a challenge again, and you deserve good rewards for your trouble. For example, if you Timewalk through Utgarde Pinnacle and take down King Ymiron, you totally get a version of his Red Sword of Courage that’s scaled up to your character’s actual level… how cool is that!? Need some cheap wow gold to help you get through those old dungeons one more time? PIG’s got you covered.

SOLD! I hear you say, where can I go to try out this here newfangled Timewalk feature, you ask? Basically as long as you’re 71 and up fer Burning Crusade content, and level 81 and up fer Wrath of the Lich King dungeons, you’re mostly good to go, as Blizzard’s playtesting the new mode on the following dungeons on the PTR:

The Arcatraz
Black Morass
The Shattered Halls
The Slave Pens
Ahn’kahet: The Old Kingdom
Halls of Lightning
The Nexus
Utgarde Pinnacle

Good stuff, yeah? Just be sure to note that Timewalkin’s kind of a special thing, and you’ll only be able to do it during special three-day-long holidays. I should’a clarified that when your power level gets scaled down, you still get to keep all your characters skills and talents. It’s a pretty cool new mode, and it kinda just goes to show that Blizzard’s totally willing to experiment with new gameplay. I can dig it, let’s see how this evolves. Stay frosty, I’m outtie 5-thou.

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