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Never miss Warcraft Movie Trailer Debuts July 11 & BMAH Likely Joins in WOW 6.2

Happiness always comes too suddenly. As scheduled, Warcraft Movie trailer should have unveiled on June 12, but it is no reason that it is coming out this Saturday. Additionally, Blizzard has made a poll asking users what they want to see on the Black Market Auction House (BMAH). That means, BMAH will be likely to release on WOW 6.2.

Warcraft Movie trailer comes out at SDCC this Saturday

Previously, Legendary speculated the trailer would be revealed the weekend Jurassic World came out, along with the first image of Orgrim the Orc. But now, Entertainment Weekly has reported that the Warcraft Movie is set for its big public unveiling in Hall H at San Diego Comic Co on July 11. Besides, the incredible creature effects from ILM are also worth to be expected.

Black Market Auction House

The Black Market Auction House is a special auction house that generates rare or otherwise-unobtainable items for players to bid on. In that auction, users cannot put items for sale, but instead they can only bid for what Blizzard displays every day. So Kaivax has made an official poll to ask users what they want to see more of on the BMAH, mounts, transmog, recipes or others.

As for bidding, wow gold in stock have to be referred to. Each type of item has a different pre-set starting bid range, with fairly-common pets at 1,000, tabards and shirts at 5,000, Tier 3 transmog items at 10,000, uncommon pets and toys at 15,000, and mounts at 20,000. Plus, users can bid up to 999,999, and each one must increase the previous bid by 5%. If you bid 954,000, you are safe since nobody can outbid you by 5%. Are you clear about the bidding tricks?

In Warlords of Draenor, the rare Naval Mission Black Market Journal will make players get access to the Black Market Auction House from their Garrison.

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