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Mythic Archimonde Bugged While Top Two Setups Unveiled to Farm in WOW 6.2

Based on Hellfire Citadel timetable, many people have already stepped into the raid. As we all know, Method and Paragon are facing Archimonde straight. Before they take it down, the third group now breaks in. But compared with that, the bug stopping groups raiding Archimonde draws more attentions.

Bug in WOW 6.2 Archimonde

Bug makes famous guilds fail to get into raid

At first, the leader of Method tweeted that they cannot enter the raid but auto teleport out, and the EU GM are investigating that issue. Afterward, DKVereesa from Paragon claimed that they were suffering the same bug as Method so that they can’t progress on Horac. They all were informed that “you are not in this instance’s group. You will be teleported to the nearest graveyard in 43 seconds.”

Except for Method, the fourth guild, From Scratch tweeted this issue as well, and now they are unable to progress on Mannoroth. There is no doubt that this bug would almost kill those guilds that are progressing. In few hours, they would leave behind far away. Honestly, this bug happened before in China, and got fixed in time. Unexpectedly, it appears again on EU.

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Learn something useful from setup of Method and Paragon

While progressing in Hellfore Citadel, the setups of Paragon and Method are unveiled and you can learn to make a strong group like them. In general, they all build the team up with 3 DPS Warriors, 3 Hunters, and 2 Mages. For healers, Paladin, Priest and Shaman become their best combination. For equipped ilvl, these two guilds are above ilvl 717. But differently, Paragon chooses 2 Druids as tank while Method chooses Monk and Warrior as tanks.

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