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Safewow share 8% off neverwinter astral diamonds Preparing for Strongholds now

Hey folks, Scott Shicoff here to remind you that Neverwinter: Strongholds is right around the corner. We’ve been giving you an inside look at what it has to offer), with more information to come later. We’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback on the blogs so far, but one thing players want to know is what they can do to get ready for the expansion’s release. Well you’re in luck! I’ve got some tips to help you get ready for this new gameplay experience, so without further ado, let’s jump right in.
Join a Guild

Simply put, Strongholds are a feature for guilds. So if you’re not in a guild, your first task is to join one. For those who haven’t been in a guild before, or have been in ones with a high level of drama, you know how difficult it can be to find the right group of people to play with.

Play Campaigns

Even if you’ve completed any of the existing campaigns (Tyranny, Feywild, etc.), the rewards they offer are still valuable to your Stronghold. So if it’s been a while since you’ve been to one of those campaign areas, this is the perfect time to jump back in and re-familiarize yourself with the quests.

Practice PvP

PvP rewards (including glory) are things you can contribute to your Stronghold. Also, there will be a new PvP mode available after the release of Strongholds, so now is the perfect time to hone your skills; information on Stronghold Siege is being released this week. Even if you’re not into PvP, don’t worry! There are still plenty of activities that will help you contribute to your Stronghold.

There’s a lot more to contribute beyond what I’ve mentioned. All kinds of things from across the game will have value in Strongholds, but campaigns are a good place to start.
We’re really excited to see everyone building up their stronghold in the coming weeks! Stay tuned for more information as we’ve got more blogs to roll out as we get closer to release!

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