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Just comment safewow facebook and win free 3000K ffxiv gil during 8.21-8.26

With the addition of up to 10% cash vouchers for all Safewow customers, Safewow Summer Fun will come to an end, and the last part of Safewow Summer fun will be free FFXIV Gil Giveaways on our facebook. It will be easy to gain Final Fantasy XIV gils for free from Safewow, so you should never miss it. Now go on to read how to earn free FF14 gils on facebook.

How to gain free FFXIV gils on Safewow Facebook?

All Safewow FB fans have a chance to join in this activity for free FF14 gils giveaways. following these steps will give you a bigger chance to win:

1. Comment the server and realm you play under Safewow Facebook Top Post during the activity.
2. Share and like this post on Safewow Facebook
3. Wait for the announcement of winners.

Time to join Summer Fun for 10% off ffxiv gil during 8.14-8.21.2015.

AU2-$2 Cash code (when your order over $30)

AU4-$4 Cash Code (When your order over $50)

AU10-$10 Cash Code( When your order over $100

How many FFXIV gils you will be rewarded for free?

There will be three lucky dogs picked out randomly, and each one will be rewarded 1000K free FFXIV gils. Note that the rewards cannot be exchanged. That means, winners will only be rewarded FFXIV gils, which cannot be exchanged to other MMO currencies.

When will this acidity be available to partake?

People will be allowed to comment the top post from August 21 to August 26 at 03:00 AM GMT. And after that, there will three winners to be announced.

It is the best time to gain some FFXIV gils for free on Safewow. While waiting for cheap FF14 gils free giveaways, you can buy FFXIV gils from Safewow at any time, and we will try our best to deliver it to you in 15 minutes.

Welcome to comment safewow facebook to win free 30000K ffxiv gil during 8.21-8.26.

The details:http:///news/safewow-summer-fun-3000k-ff14-gils-free-giveaways-on-facebook/

Time to be a safewow member gain free 100 Reward Points($1) now.

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