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Neverwinter Stronghold Siege: Dragon Mechanics and Supply Depots Details with astral diamonds sale

As a unique feature, dragon Cerasinax will appear in Neverwinter Stronghold Siege PvP to spice up players’ experience. Here you will get more details as the Senior Content Designer – John Hopler analyzed how dragon and supply depots work there. Have a look and buy cheap astral diamond neverwinter on Safewow to join in the three lane matches.

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How will dragon Cerasinax work in neverwinter siege?

If you have got the information about PVE, PVP and other features of neverwinter siege on Safewow, you may know that dragon Cerasinax would be an important part in this expansion to offer players an interesting form of pve. Now here you can see some weeds of the mechanics from John Hopler.
1. Hunt golems to earn respect: The dragon Cerasinax will appear periodically with Cult of the Dragon golems spawn across the map. Players can hunt those golems to collect some coins to earn respect from the dragon. The more coins you earn the more respect you can get.
2. Make the dragon attack enemy: The dragon will attack every 10 minutes, it’s just whoever has the most rep the dragon will attack the opposite guild, meaning that if your guild have more respect at that moment, the dragon will help you to attack your enemies.
3. Attack immediately with max respect: The 10-minute timer won’t limit dragon’s attack all the time. Instead, if one guild manages to max out their respect with the dragon which is 4 levels, the dragon will attack immediately without 10-minute waiting.
4. Do a complete reset: The mechanic will reset after reaching the max 4 levels. But you don’t have to turn your coins in immediately, so you can play a longer strategy of everyone holding all their coins and then dumping them in all at once. Save it for a later phase. However, you have to be careful because any coins that you may be carrying will be lost upon death.

How will supply depots influence your destiny?

Another vital PvE type mechanic on the map is supply depot. These depots are basically control points on the sides of the river. Taking both of the control points, you will control that lane, spend the supplies, and improve your stronghold. But to occupy all these advantages, the following NPCs will be important.
1. Siege engineers: These NPCs will periodically leave stronghold to carry supplies to the depots. You can also raid the enemy’s siege engineers to get the dropped supplies.
2. Quartermaster: The supply depots themselves will spawn a quartermaster character when they are 75% full of supplies. These guys will appear near the depot and help protect it.
3. Guard captain: At 100% supply, a fairly tough NPC – guard captain will spawn to attack any enemies he finds on his way to the next control point.

In a word, what you need to do is to collect as more materials as you can to protect yourself and attack enemies. Of course, to decide your destiny in this large scale instanced PvP, neverwinter astral diamond for sale on Safewow is essential.

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