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Safewow share Blade And Soul Gold Income Useful tips now

Are we not going to talk about how garbage getting Blade And Soul Gold is in this game? First off the quest gold income is crap, you can’t buy things off the marketplace and sell them to make income, you literally can’t afford to do professions because they cost a massive amount in their own. You hardly get any Blade And Soul Items that are worth selling, and dungeon runs literally anything that would be decent enough to sell is account bound. The marketplace is over-priced right now because of the Blade & Soul Gold vs demand issues as well. Like how is it ok that halfway through the game of farming and questing and “selling my random things I find” that will be paid for a good price! Yeah one bronze. Literally I have 40 Silver? Like am I the only one having issues or am I just crazy?

I talked about this in another post the PROBLEM is that only one or two professions that can earn cash, when i had ceramics as a test, i could make 1-2 silver per 20ish copper that i spent on refiners. More if i could get some quartz, but on my pharma character? i cant earn ANY cash at all. Why? because the GAME drops the crafted healing potions like candy, game gives you them by the hand full, i mean at level 38-40 i am sitting on 100+ healing potions. I might be able to make some ok cash on unsealing charms, ONCE people eat through the ones game gives you so i see that being somewhat lucrative later on. Unfortunately, i have to BUY refiners off cermaics folks who charge 7-10 silver PER refiner… so its a net loss in trying to sell unsealing charms least at current prices.

Effectively BECAUSE of the way the game is designed, everything is balanced toward max level, all prices assume you are max level, worse they made quite a few professions POINTLESS because you can get there products by farming, playing the game ect. So ONLY professions really make any cash are ceramics for refiners, and soulshield prof for the transformation stones… outside of that? only real alternative are dailys… which lets be fair arent any fun to do, i hate doing dailys in other games cant see myself doing them every day here. Throw in that everything you VENDOR is only worth 1 copper… yea check it level 40 sealed weapon? 1 copper, epic weapon? 1 copper… so its nigh on impossible to make a living wage via vendoring crap you dont need.

No real solutuion besides get to max level then worry about crafting… avoid it at early levels entire and DO NOT USE THE AIR MAIL! that shit costs you like 1-2 silver every time you use air mail. Game needs a MAJOR overhaul of its crafting system, and needs to stop giving out crafting items as rewards… if you want the economy to revolve around each craft playing on each other you need to make it so people HAVE to buy those BNS Items from crafting. Current system is totally broke in this respect… game would need some major changes to fix all of these issues.

Edit: Breakthroughs are easy weapons and such drop all the time, or farm the wheel of fortunes for weapons to feed yours, it costs you keys though so might not be the BEST way but if you need some thats one way.

Blade & Soul NA right now isn’t even grindy nor is it hardcore. If you aren’t level 45, I suggest you hit it first and talk. If you are level 45 and made this post…

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