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Could New Speed Racer Games be on the Horizon Due to New Cartoon Series?

The newest Speed Racer cartoon, “Speed Racer: Next Generation” could be the calling sign that new Speed Racer games are forthcoming. The Speed Racer chaser is not over yet for Speed Racer gamers. Although many thought that the chance to ever see another Speed Racer video game died after the 2008 major motion picture flopped at the box office. That movie was followed up by an equally as unworthy video game, of which countless fans and Speed Racer gamers wholeheartedly voice their opinions with regard to. The short of it all was that fans were neither pleased with the game or the movie. Most said that game felt rushed – and it truly was, as are all video games that come after movies. In case you are wondering, when it’s vice versa, a game before a movie, the game is generally rock solid (case and point: Resident Evil franchise). In the instance of the Speed Racer game based upon the 2008 silver screen picture, it was rushed and it was sloppy. This all leads up to the question at hand: will there ever be another Speed Racer video game? The easy answer: more than likely yes. Or as how the NFL would list mildly injured players who are likely to play in the next game: probable.

Why will there be another Speed Racer video gaming sensation that comes out sometime in the near future? One simple reason: Speed Racer: The Next Generation. 2011 saw the complete revival of the Speed Racer cartoon thanks to our good buddies over the Nickelodeon network. They only made six episodes as kind of a test pilot. After all, Speed and his Mach 5 have not seen new episodes in a long while, and seeing as the movie failed epically at the box office, no network was really in that much of a rush to dump money into a season of cartoons that may indeed fail miserably.

Instead, however, and this should also be much to the delight of all Speed Racer gamers, the show has been very well received. What this means is that a video game based upon this new cartoon series will not be that far off in the distant future. The easy way of looking at it is as such: if cartoon makes money and the merchandise makes money, then why not make a game? If both are well received by fans, it means one key thing here in the recipe for another game: a video game would make money, too. With the next season coming out soon on Nickelodeon, and a full season at that, it’s only really a short matter of time before a video game will follow.