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How to Play War Games

Today, internet has become everyone’s choice to enjoy, play games, watching movies and surfing other information on internet. Most of the crowed on internet love to play the online games. These online games can be played at various websites available on the internet, Today, internet has become everyone’s choice to enjoy, play games, watching movies and surfing other information on internet. Most of the crowed on internet love to play the online games. These online games can be played at various websites available on the internet, but many of them ask for money to play them. Battledawn has introduced war games to play online without any cost and you can enjoy this game from any corner of the world without any problem.

You would love to play war games over other online games, since these war games have many features and many graphics quality which attract the players towards it. When you play war games you must get the complete information about game. Step by step information is necessary to play war games so that you can enjoy every part of the game and can win the game.

How to Play War Games

War games can be played easily by following the instruction on the screen if you are first time player of any war game. You can contact the other people who are playing the game online from different corner of the world. You can battle with them and can attack their colony to increase your colony rule in the world. There are following steps you must follow to play the online war game:

• Need Internet Connection And Flash Player: Since this war game is an online war game so you would need an internet connection on your computer to play war games online. Once you get the internet connection online you will be required to install the flash player on your machine, since battlefield has designed this war game in flash player and because of this reason only this game can be played easily without less memory consumption of your computer

• Visit Battledawn Website: In order to play war game you will be required to visit the website and you will be required to create your profile if you are a new user or you can directly login to your profile if you have already created your profile on this website. If you have already created your profile then you can login into it and your games, data will be loaded from the same point where you have saved it last time

• Built Your Colony And Increase It: Initially when you start to play war games you are required to create your colony and worker in it. Then you will be required to create thee structure of your colony, which will help you in producing the resources like metal and oil. These resources will help you in protecting your self from enemy’s attack and to attack them as well. If you want to grow your colony rapidly then you will be required to create food farms in your colony.

Thus, you can play war games online easily without any problem and can increase your colony to service in the world. This is the best approach to play war games online.