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Space Fortress – One of the Best Online Space Games

Space Fortress includes all the features of a good online galaxy games. It is basically a space shooting game that requires developing strategies to blast enemies present on different unknown planets. The player can make use of a number latest weapons, the weapons’ upgrade can turn them into more powerful instruments. Unlike many free galaxy games, in this game the player is able to develop his/her own strategies to deal with various situations. Space Fortress includes all the features of a good online galaxy games. It is basically a space shooting game that requires developing strategies to blast enemies present on different unknown planets. The player can make use of a number latest weapons, the weapons’ upgrade can turn them into more powerful instruments. Unlike many free galaxy games, in this game the player is able to develop his/her own strategies to deal with various situations.
The player is able to build stronghold called fortress around him/her in order to avoid different invading waves coming from alien species. The player can also upgrade his/her fortress in order to make it more powerful, in this way he/she can avoid more powerful waves of enemies. In contrast to many free space games, the player is also able to get a backup power of human army, in case you feel that you are not able to deal with all the enemies alone, you can call for back support of army personals in battlefield. Likewise, you can also obtain some additional features just by paying a nominal amount.
Another distinctive feature that you may not find in most of the free galaxy games is the availability of perks. The main concept of perk is that you can enhance the level of survivability of your character. Similarly, with the help of perk feature you can also add an option of power to your character as well as upgrade your fortress for better protection against various alien attacks. These are a few features that you might not find in other online space games.
Now let us have a quick look over the first impression of this game. In the very beginning, the space fortress game looks a little but slow, in the initial stage of the game you will not face any hard strikes from enemies. Like all the other free space games, in a few early minutes of the game, you will require to deal with only minor and less intensive attacks of enemies. You can handle this situation with even a pistol, not fortress is required to prevent your character from attacks. However, as the game progresses, the attacks of enemies tend to become more and more intensive. At the middle stages of the game, you will require to confront with relatively harder invasions and attacks by opponents. Here, you will require making use of your fortress and all the latest weapons; however weapons’ upgrading is not recommended at this stage of the game.
In the last stages of this game, you can consider the option of upgrading in order to avoid the intensive attacks by your enemies. Now, if we talk about the interface of this game, you will find percentage health icon, heat map of fortress, weapon selection interface, and Real Time map. In order to unlock various premium features of the game you will require only 1400 coins. You can develop a fortress as you reach the level of $7700.