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Free Action Games Online That Are Wonders Of Technology!

Games, especially the Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games (MMORPGs) that we see today are a result of extensive research and advancements in computer and development technologies. The vast range of the most amazing paid as well as free action games online today, are a witness to the ever changing world of gaming. Games have always been a part of every person’s lives at some point or the other. The games may have been on the field or on the board, on a gaming console or on a personal computer, but they have always been a great way to beat stress, entertain oneself, or even compete.

Today, gaming has been revolutionized due to the ready access to high end machines and speedy broadband connections. So if you are one of those who while you play 3D games online</a> wonder how the gaming scenario has reached the level that it has today, a little research into every move that has made the industry what it is today will answer a lot of questions.

The minds and the drive behind the best action games!

As in every other scenario, the best action games too, have always been inspired by not only what has been done right in the past, and also by the lessons that are there to learn from the wrongs.

The beginnings of video gaming, which eventually led to online gaming, can be seen in the late 1940s with the ‘cathode ray tube amusement device’, the ‘Bouncing Ball’ program, the Checkers and Tic Tac Toe programs, and the ‘Tennis for Two’ programs that paved the way for computer programs to also be used as means for entertainment.

The 50s and 60s saw games being influenced by the use of the mainframe computers used by universities. The earliest arcade video games saw the light of day in the 70s and were followed closely by the first generation consoles. Computer games that could be played at home were developed in the early 80s by knowledgeable users and this is when even the general public got access to use their technical expertise to develop their own games.

Video arcade games soon picked up momentum and many action adventure and role playing games made their foray into the gaming world during this period. These were followed by gaming computers and hand held LCD games that gave access to gaming to even more interested people.

Today we are looking at the eighth generation of consoles, and also an upgrade to cloud computing from the ever popular online gaming.

While the age of simple games that one played on the television or on a hand held video game is passé, high end gaming consoles with motion sensors, and new 3D games that can be played on computers and laptops simultaneously with gamers from all over the world are the in thing today.

So the next time you happen to play free action games, do give a thought to the extreme hard work and research that has enabled the existence of these marvelous games.