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Rules for playing empire games

There are several games that are played online but Free Empire games are the best among all. For playing these games, you have to follow different rules. The first rule is the state of under protection in which all players start their conquest in these empire strategy games. The start of the game is to build your own colony within a certain period of time. There is a rule that you will not change your given state. You build the colony without any threat of outside attack. As you know this is the protection state, you will not face any problem in building your colony. This protection gives some limitations in which players have to be very careful. There are several games that are played online but Free Empire games are the best among all. For playing these games, you have to follow different rules. The first rule is the state of under protection in which all players start their conquest in these empire strategy games. The start of the game is to build your own colony within a certain period of time. There is a rule that you will not change your given state. You build the colony without any threat of outside attack. As you know this is the protection state, you will not face any problem in building your colony. This protection gives some limitations in which players have to be very careful.
When these protections come to an end? This is very important query. This lasts for 100-101 ticks. This protection will be ceased if you send any attack from your side. There is another rule that your protection will be ended if you try to relocate your colony. This lasts also when you go back into rest mode without doing any effort. These are the rules of online empire games. This game has progress level as compare to the simple empire game. If you want to play this game on free website then you have a little bit trouble to find it on the free website.
It is the rule of this game that as the level of the game becomes advance then it is tough to find on the free websites for the sake of playing. GTA “grand theft auto” is also the part of these MMO empire games. The rules are based on various schemes. In the second edition of this game there is a lot of fight between the different parties. This game has a main problem which is that: this game is very short cloth game. That is why majority of the people dislike this game. This game is mostly played in the western areas because they have no gender discrimination as well as the dresses do not matter for them.
You cannot change the dressing of your game players according to your choice. Another rule is not to use offensive and inappropriate language while playing your game. Account sharing should be avoided by the user because it is not allowed to the user to share its account with other members. It is the policy of Empire strategy games that nobody can create more than one account at a time. You have to play by creating only one account.
Multiple accounts are banned here. In these MMO Empire games, enforcement of rules is the task of administrator of each world. When you talk about the forum level, forum moderators assign the rules. As a player of these online empire games, you must follow the basic rules and regulations. If you are found suspicious, admin is authorized to cancel your account. Make it sure that you are following all rules while playing these games. This will make you enjoy more the free Empire games.