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Some Basic Starcraft 2 Marine Tactics

Starcraft 2 Marine tactics are many in number; this versatile little unit is a po[censored] r figure head image of the Starcraft franchise and makes also for a good starting unit for the Terran faction in game. In the Starcraft universe, Terran Marines comprise the bulk of the Terran military forces and are their front-line troops. They are also one of the oldest units in the franchise and have been a part of the game since its early inception.

Marines are inexpensive units and are among some of the first units that a Terran player can recruit. They are essentially that player's basic unit and are used mainly to bulk up a force, or for early defense. When put inside bunkers, as well, these units make excellent defenders. Coupled with Medivacs, these hardy soldiers can withstand the blunt force of most units, if adequately upgraded with defensive Combat Shields. They are, however, weak to splash damage, and do not have much in terms of hit-points.

Marines use one supply point and require only fifty minerals to be produced. They are small units and are generally ineffective against most other unit types when facing them on on one. They can be upgraded, however, making them more effective and they can perform well when backed up, or when backing up other unit types. They are designed to be used in numbers.

When fighting another Terran opponent avoid conflicts with Siege Tanks that are in siege mode. These tanks are capable of destroying large numbers of Marine units from a distance due to their high area of effect damage. This is the case against most heavily armored units that dish out a lot of damage, however, and therefore it is best to use these soldiers as front line infantry, to fill up your ranks, or to har[censored] enemy structures.

With the Stimpack upgrade, Marine units are capable of getting into the thick of things faster but take a damage loss as a side effect. In this instance having Medivacs around can be useful, this ability also allows these units to fire faster, which can certainly make them more effective and regardless of their inherent individual weakness, they can be recruited in large numbers, and that certainly counts for something.

A po[censored] r strategy, known as the "MMM strategy", employs the use of Medivacs, Marauders, and Marines and is a po[censored] r squad configuration used by many Terran players. This has always been a po[censored] r configuration, even in the old beta of the game.

Walling in a base with bunkers and filling the bunkers with these cheap units is also a good idea, and you can certainly utilize many of them, making for more tower like defense structures than other races. Marines can be great in this way, at defending key locations, if enemies can be funneled through narrow single unit size passages. This tactic may not be too effective against rival human opponents, however, but against certain lower level computer AI, it can certainly lead to much success.

The Terran Marine is an iconic video game symbol, they have been ingrained in po[censored] r gaming culture for years now and are an universally recognizable video game character image. In Korea, images of these video game characters may dot some streets, found upon gaming banners and game store window art displays. These units in particular, however, have a certain level of po[censored] rity in the gaming world, they are simply iconic.