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A Few Starcraft 2 Terran Thor Tactics

Starcraft 2 Terran Thor Tactics sometimes involve being able to develop this powerful unit early in the game and sending it out to attack the enemy base for a quick win, though it is usually used in the late game. There are also defensive uses for this advanced component of your Terran army although it is usually seen absorbing damage and supporting troops at the front. As powerful as this unit can be, it is still necessary to supplement any movement that revolves around its capacities with the appropriate support troops.

Here is an outline for a build involving getting out a quick Thor. Start off with a supply depot, then with a barracks and refinery. As soon as your resources allow go ahead and construct a factory. Then finally establish your armory. Simultaneously get a tech lab on your factory to save time. Consider putting up your armory in a location not easily scouted by the enemy as surprise is an important factor in such a rush.

Some time will be needed to set up the armory but once that is done, you can start developing the first unit. Do not forget the vehicle weapon upgrade that will increase the unit's damage. Inters[censored] d in the sequence, you should also be producing marines and SCVs. These two other types will be the supporting force of your quick attack. You might also consider making a [censored] ion or two for base defense or for scouting and harassment purposes.

The infantry troops will act as a distraction as the Thor dishes out massive damage. Meanwhile the SCVs, around 6 to 8 of them, should be set on auto-repair and follow closely behind the Thor. They will be the ones to patch it up and keep it going. It is almost certain that your enemy will be throwing all firepower against this major threat.

You can alternatively spend extra time to build more of this unit type. Around 2 to 4 of them would already be a quite intimidating force. Depending on the openness of the map and your opponent's expansion timing you could send each one out with its own support group to spread out the enemy's attention. If you plan to make one big thrust then putting them all together into one strong war party will be equally effective.

Being such a strong ground unit, the normal route would be to cover the terrain leading to the enemy's base. But the trade off for such power in this unit is slow movement speed and large size. Some players mitigate this weakness by loading it on a Medivac with the appropriate transport capability. A Thor being transported in such a manner could also be used to har[censored] the opponent's rear lines.

Another weakness you should note is that it does not have an area damage of effect against other ground troops but it inflicts splash damage on air units. It can only damage one ground target at a time. Thus you should expect a counter force composed of swarms of Zergling, Marines, Marauders or Zealots. In such cases siege tanks would also be an effective complement in your offensive.

This unit has its uses when facing Zerg and Protoss. Against another Terran opponent, it can offer an alternative to the usual Viking versus Viking battles that tend to occur in such scenarios. Use these Terran Thor tactics to help you get the upper hand and secure victory.