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Comprehensive Guide To Starcraft 2 Armory Tactics

The following information is an outline of recommendations for Starcraft 2 Armory tactics. This refers to the specific building available to the Terran race. This tech building is essential to success as it provides you access to upgrades. These advances can be applied to both air and ground units. Perhaps one of the more notable benefits that this building offers the player is that it unlocks the Thor unit.

There are several ways to maximize the use this tech building. Which ones to use depends on whether you're playing a campaign setting or are going up against other players. As in most real-time strategy games, mobile units and structures have a time and material resource cost factor. It is important then to make the optimum choice of upgrades so you are always ahead in developing your forces and don't waste limited resources.

In multiplayer the Armory is used to upgrade ground vehicle weapons and armor as well as aircraft weapons and armor. It is also required for the level two infantry upgrades at the Engineering Bay.

Infantry, particularly the marines and medics, are the staple units of your Terran army in a campaign setting. Firebats, reapers, and marauders may be more specialized in their capabilities but that means their benefits are situational. Upgrades available for marines are stimpacks and combat shields which temporarily increase attack and HP respectively. Giving your medics stabilizer medipacks, which makes healing faster and consume less energy, turns them into more effective support units for frontline marines.

Besides protecting your own units, the bunker is one base structure that is generally useful for defense against enemy infantry. The projectile accelerator upgrade increases a bunker's attack range. Meanwhile a neosteel bunker provides more concentrated firepower. Both advancements combine well and are relatively cheap for the benefits they offer.

For your space construction vehicles (SCV), it would probably be better to give them fusion welders. This upgrade enables SCVs to reduce repair time by half. Orbital command in the meantime is obligatory in a multiplayer game but less necessary in a campaign because command centers can get this for free. This improvement is helpful against uncovering fog-of-war and countering enemy units with stealth capabilities.

Siege tanks are normally going to be the pillar of your campaign defense and offense. The maelstrom rounds upgrade increases damage output on primary targets while shaped blast mitigates the friendly fire setback of this vehicle. In terms of starships, the air-to-air Vikings and air-to-ground Banshees are arguably the most useful ones. The former can be improved with ripwave missiles and the Phobos-cl[censored] weapons system and the latter becomes more effective with the cross-spectrum dampener and shockwave missile battery upgrades.

The Thor ground unit is more po[censored] r in multiplayer situations. It is useful in an aggressive strategy that rushes enemy bases before they've built up any strong defenses. Its 250mm Strike Cannons can stun most units and inflict heavy amounts of damage. A couple of SCVs repairing the Thor would be effective enough as long as you get the drop on your enemies.

It is recommended that this tech building is constructed once you decide to produce mechanical units. Using these Starcraft 2 Armory tactics, you will be able to make sure that your mechanized ground and air army is properly upgraded throughout the game.