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How To Use StarCraft 2 Infestation Pit Tactics

When thinking about the best way to utilize the Infestors enabled by the Infestation Pit, you need to first understand the exact reason that these exist in the game. This building allows for Infestors to be produced from larvae. This building requires the Lair to be present before it can be constructed.

The resources needed to create the Infestation Pit are one hundred minerals as well as one hundred vespene gas. The build time for this structure is relatively quick as well. The unit enabled from this building can be the cornerstone of a strategy that will enable a player to make a move towards defeating their opponent.

When building the Infestation Pit it will be important that you take care to protect this building and ensure that nothing damages it as it is relatively fragile for a building. Infestation Pits are able to fall victim to an attack if it is left unprotected for too long. There will need to be a decent amount of protection placed around tech structures such as the Infestation Pit.

As mentioned previously the Infestation Pit enables the production of Infestors which can in turn be used in a variety of roles against all of the other races in the game. There are a couple of upgrades that can be researched at this building to make the Infestor even more useful on the battlefield. One of these upgrades is called Pathogen glands.

The upgrade pathogen glands will lead to an increase of twenty-five starting energy of each new Infestor. This upgrade is useful as it allows Infestors to use the Fungal Growth ability as soon as they are produced. They can also spawn one more Infested Terran as well.

Another one of these upgrades is the Neural Parasite. This is an upgrade that can be incredibly useful to a Zerg player that is looking to get an upper hand in the middle of a battle involving powerful units. The Neural Parasite upgrade enables the ability of the same name of the Infestor which allows it to take control of enemy units for a limited time. The Infestor can take control of even the mightiest of units such as the Thor and Colossus.

These are the main tactics involved with using the Infestation Pit and Infestor, however in order to find out which tactics are best for you you'll need to practice playing the game online against other players of course.