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Points Worth Noting On Starcraft 2 Spawning Pool Tactics

The Zerg player's plan is usually based on the information that they may have about the strengths and weaknesses of their opponent. Starcraft 2 Spawning Pool tactics are but some of the methods that a player can employ to take absolute control of the game at the earliest possible stages.

Sometimes the best way of defending your position in any match is to keep pressuring your opponent. By doing this you keep the opponent busy defending their territory that they hardly get the time to plot on how to attack you. The Spawning Pool can be used to create your first offensive units that could be used in such a role.

The Spawning Pool is the most crucial basic Zerg tech building available. It requires a Hatchery before it can be constructed. This structure enables other structures to be built by the Zerg player such as the Lair, Roach Warren, Baneling Nest and the defensive Spine Crawler.

The Spawning Pool also allows for Zerglings to be spawned from Larvae and for the Queen to be produced by the Hatchery. As you can see this building is of immense important and so it should be placed in a safe position and guarded well. If an opponent destroys this structure they disable many units and structures from being created.

It is common practice to create the Spawning Pool within the middle of the Zerg player's main base. Alternatively the Spawning Pool can be constructed near the main mineral line to help prevent certain units from harassing and scouting around your worker units.

The Spawning Pool is normally created by the Zerg player either as their first building or the second building after the expansion Hatchery. In either case it's best to produce a few Zerglings after this structure is finished to at least defend your base and possibly har[censored] your opponent.

Zerglings are somewhat vulnerable off of the Creep until they receive the Metabolic Boost upgrade which is researched from this structure. Once this upgrade is complete each Zergling gains visible wing-like appendages and moves much faster. This upgrade does not have any prerequisites to be researched.

The Spawning Pool has a second upgrade which requires the Zerg Hive to be created before it can be researched. The second upgrade is known as Adrenal Glands and it allows Zerglings to attack at a faster speed. This upgrade is required to keep Zerglings viable throughout the game although it is not cheap to research.