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To Foresee the Development Trends of Game Industry form E3 Game Show

The foreign media reported that the current E3 games show may not have big news, but we can conclude the development trends of games and interactive entertainment experience in the next few years. For example, the hardware is no longer the main factor driving the growth of the game business, classic game sequel will still play a leading role, the era of cloud gaming is coming and so on.

1. Hardware is no longer the main factor to promote the growth of the game business

The user should be accustomed to the long wait for a new generation of video game consoles. PS3 and Xbox 360 have gone to the market more than five years, and there is no sign this year to launch a new version. Nintendo launched the new product Wii U, but to a greater extent, it is an evolutionary rather than revolutionary product. Wii U still uses the Wii's controllers and accessories, and industrial design and user interface design are also the same.

For this situation, gamers and industry analysts parti[censored] ting in E3 are not surprised. In contrast, the performance of the new game is fairly satisfactory, although not so well as last year or the year before.

2. The classic blockbuster game sequels will play a leading role

The sequels of classic blockbuster game will still play a leading role, "Halo4", "Call of Duty: Black Ops 2", the new "Tomb Raider", "God of War: Ascension", "Super Mario Wii U" and "Forza: Horizon" and so on occupy a prominent position of the exhibition booth and receive a great deal attention of media.

3. The era of cloud game is coming

Before the E3 show, there are rumors that Sony will acquire the cloud gaming service OnLive. There are also related rumors saying that Microsoft may also acquire OnLive or another cloud gaming service Gaikai. Although Sony and Microsoft did not announce the M & A transactions, with the development of the gaming industry, this does not mean that it will not appear this situation in the future.

With the cloud gaming service, users can remotely play the high-end PC games, and send real-time video content to TV, PC or Tablet PC.

Although there is no announcement of M & A transactions, the two companies of Gaikai and OnLive both performed in the current E3 show. The Gaikai will cooperate with Samsung and provide Samsung with new cloud video service; OnLive reached a similar deal with LG. In fact, Sony and Microsoft providing cloud game is just a matter of time.