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An Alternate Way To Promote Your Blog Or Business - Hold A Competition

Since Google's algorithm updates, Panda in April 2011 and Most recently Penguin which was released in April of this year you might be wondering how you can get traffic to your site. Perhaps more importantly you should consider how you can engage these visitors when they get to your blog.
Benefits of a contest on your blog

Holding a contest on your blog is a great way to:

- Get traffic
- Increase readership
- Get feedback about your product or service
- Get mailing list and feed subcribers
- Get people sharing your content
- Get other bloggers linking to you
- Grow your social media following

What other benefits can you think of? You could even use online contests as an incentive for your readers to complete affiliate offers and make you some extra cash.

Thanks to the recent Panda algorithm, competitions could improve your SEO too. Google now looks at your websites bounce rate, social shares and time visitors spend in your site. So if you reduce the first one and increase the second two you might move up a bit right? Worth a try?

But having a competition is no good if no one can see it, is it? Running a competition in conjunction with an ad campaign could significantly increase your return on investment, make the competition prominent on your website with the use of some [censored] and eye catching banners or just drive traffic directly to that page.

You could make sharing your competition on sites like Facebook and Twitter part of the entry process, post your competition on Facebook pages like this one here: Social media sites are excellent places to share your contests.