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Greatest Android Games 2011

The year 2011 really marked fantastic achievements for android app games. Application based online games have been accessed, downloaded and played by so many in the year 2011 that only the ones that didn't have access to the android market have been left lagging behind. While it is obviously tricky to identify the most desirable game because people have different tastes and preferences, this was done by researching the games and collecting the statistical ratings that were actually utilized to establish the top most ranked mobile application according to the various selection specifications. Perhaps the best android games 2011 has actually been the Grand Prix Story, a car racing game that a lot of people love to play with multi-colored surroundings that draw out the great mix of class, style and art. The capability to download the mobile application game from the android market is equally easy and user friendly and doesn't necessarily require a lot of memory from your mobile phone. It brings the ability of team management and the expertise to determine which enhancements to add to the vehicle along with great co-ordination into play; all for the purpose of making sure that the car crosses the finish line victoriously. Yet another game that has caused a lot of excitement is "Apparatus". Remember that name in chemistry or the other science subjects back in high school? Well perhaps you do or perhaps not, or maybe you've never come across it in your life. This game is definitely one of the premier android games 2011 that was produced but; it is in no way related to the science subject apparatus. Now the player must use different materials made available to them to build an apparatus that is then used to move a ball to a particular spot known as the goal. Whatever item a person can create is only limited to their creativity. Other games featuring in the best android games 2011 include "World Cruise Story", one other type of team management game involving players who move from port to port. A production of Kairosoft, it has been one of the most entertaining games of 2011 making the players yearn for more of the kind. Classifying this as one of the top games of 2011 is not a mistake. An additional game which belongs to the best Android games 2011 is called "greedy spiders"; a hunting game where the hungry spider has to hunt for the meal in form of flies. Finally, is "Carcassonne", which may cause you to wonder exactly what it is about. Well it is basically a board game, initially only available in iOS. Introducing Carcassonne to android has made some people question whether they should choose the android game that emerged as one of the most popular android games 2011 or the iOS version.