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Robots shoe! Adidas intends to open auto plant in Germany

    German sporting goods giant Adidas plans next year to open its first automatic shoe factories in Germany, whereby the plant again moved back to rich countries. German engineering giant said on Tuesday Manz, Adidas and the company signed a cooperation agreement, through the company’s technology in new automated plant for the design and production of customized footwear components.

   Adidas has been working with the German government, academic institutions and robotics companies to collaborate on new technology, hoping to bring about a major transformation of the shoe industry. Decades ago, Adidas rival Nike factories have moved to Asia by leading the transformation of the industry trend.

Adidas hopes to be able to quickly deliver products to value fashion consumers, and reduce transportation costs. The project also catch up with the overall strategy of Adidas Nike fit, which in recent years by virtue of Flyknit and other new products to expand the lead.

To plant in the distance closer to Western markets where the key is through technical means to reduce the need for splicing workers. As part of the project, Adidas earlier this month launched a 3D print shoes, can be customized according to the user’s foot.

Adidas in 2016 in the southern German town of Ansbach built first “Speed ​​Factory” , not far from where the company’s headquarters.

    Adidas on the project’s other partners include Johnson Controls, robots assemble a professional company KSL Keilmann, Technical University of Munich and the University of Aachen.

According to CNET Web site reported, Here Maps (Here Maps) will draw himself out of a better future. Its goal is to become the engine driverless car era.

  Here the map is quite popular driverless car involved in the field of the latest company. Unmanned vehicles in the field has attracted from the technology giant Google to traditional car manufacturers, including the various companies involved. In August, Audi, BMW and Daimler jointly spend $ 3.1 billion (about 19.7 billion yuan) from Nokia’s Here Maps acquired the business.

  Currently, unmanned vehicles are prototypes, not yet mass production. According to automobile manufacturers and other unmanned vehicle technology company, driverless cars will enter 2020 in the commercialization phase.

  CNET said that one of the key challenges facing the driverless car is the need to ensure that they have a perfect navigation. This is an opportunity Here discovery.

  Here’s mission is to produce high-resolution 3D maps, it wants its definition 3D maps can play an important role in the field of unmanned vehicles. However, the vision is not just to help driverless cars to choose the right path. In a news conference last week, Here, vice president of networking experience driving Floris von – Germany – Klaas Horst (Floris van de Klashorst) said that the future is not only the shuttle driverless cars within the city, but also help manage the city.

  When the shuttle car and driving on the highway in the city, they not only collect data related to traffic flow, but also to collect and they “see” the data related things. They will be smart, “swarm”, for purposes of navigation mutual “talk”, but also send a message to the control center, to help manage the organization to understand everything that is happening in the city.

  Von – Germany – Klaas Horst said, “the car will help us maintain the map.” Car maintenance of maps will become a dynamic, almost “living things”, so that the vehicle and their environment to keep pace. He said, “the map is no longer static, it will become a real-world high-definition, high-precision representation.”

  CNET said he believes the map will be divided into several levels, the base layer – we are seeing the map, basically there will be no big change, but a few layers on it will be variable and will be with the traffic and city ​​changeable elements varies.

  Here already providing navigation map with Google and Apple compete with similar products.

  IHS Automotive senior analyst Jeremy Carlson (Jeremy Carlson) said, “to update the map data for unmanned very important, but its role is not limited to navigation. Currently, these high definition maps (partly) responsible for direct recommend how the car with .Here ubiquitous networked automobile and information technology with in-depth understanding. “

  In the past, major automotive manufacturers believe that these maps should be by their production and maintenance. Von – Germany – Klaas Horst said over the years, they have been not open to the data at their disposal, but they have to realize that “if you do not open the map, unmanned it impossible.”

  It also is a group effort. Von – Germany – Klaas Horst said that in Germany, a day traveling along the same road as the driverless cars BMW can not collect enough data, “you need to have several types of unmanned vehicle to higher density, higher frequencies to travel all the time. “

  The industry seems to have understood this. Nokia Here are three business joint acquisition of German auto giant, which is the first step in the development of industry standards. Von – Germany – Klaas Horst said, “we have made a major advance in that car manufacturers have begun to realize this.”

  CNET points out, Carlson said, because Here “almost become a shared resource industry,” and has led the industry dialogue on this subject, and it has the potential to become the auto industry needed “vendor-independent aggregator.”

  These data are also advantageous for the government. Making the car became part of the wisdom of urban infrastructure, traffic management agency will help cities adapt their internal changes. Von – Germany – Klaas Horst, eg change the traffic lights to let the ambulance through the intersection priority, “unmanned social and human benefits of the government’s social management tasks are the same, the map they produced will also make government to better serve the community. “

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