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The Runescape Ranging Guide

When you are trying to make use of the Runescape ranging skills to kill monsters, you must constantly know to how efficiently use the skill to generate the maximum damage on the monsters. This Runescape ranging guide will explain a couple of ideas on how to effectively use the Runescape range skill to kill monsters quickly.

The first tip for this Runescape ranging guide is to always use the best bow and arrows your current level allows. Using the best possible bow and arrows will allow you to maximize the damage you give to the monsters. If you use a cheap bow or cheaper arrows, you will hit lower and take away much less damage.

The second tip to this Runescape ranging guide is to always to wear the best armor possible, which will give you the best ranging bonus. Items which can give you extra ranging bonus are items such as Ava's Attractor, Ava's Accumulator, snake-skin armor, an amulet of range, amulet of glory, or an amulet of fury, as well as many other items, which can all be found by clicking on your range skill icon, to view the current armor, weapons, and other items you can use.

Finally, another good tip to learn from this World of Warcraft gold is to always stand behind a rock, a wall, or another item which will separate you from the monster, preventing it from hitting you. If you can walk behind an item and separate yourself from the monster, you should be able to train in the same spot for several hours, since you won't have the need to eat or run to the bank for more food. Also, you will be able to collect more of the drops left by the monsters, since you won't have an inventory full of food preventing you from being able to pick up any other items.

Now that you know a couple good guidelines to using buy runescape gold successfully while training against monsters, head over and read the Runescape Ranging Guide to get 99 range the fastest and easiest way possible, to get the skill cape in only some days!