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Real World Perks From Video Games

Online games tend to be viewed negatively, either as wastes of time or as bad influences. However, these games can actually be beneficial. For one thing, there are a number of games that have successfully blended together educational elements and being fun. For many years, the video game industry had trouble getting that combination to work, which meant that educational games either weren’t educational enough or were too boring for kids to bother with. Online gaming has a negative stigma, but if the parents are actually doing their job, then it should not actually be a problem. How can a game not be considered as helpful if it is not only encouraging the development of social skills but also giving the child something that they can use to connect with their peers in the real world?

First, online games can raise a kid’s confidence and instill the importance of setting goals and accomplishing them. Take the game Zuma, for example. The player’s goal is to clear the boards needed to reach the end of the game. Through this game, the children will enjoy the reward of reaching their goals, which they will learn to apply to their lives eventually.

The social benefit may outweigh any other advantages that online gaming might present. These games allow children to connect with others, letting them expand their social network to include people from different walks of life and different cultures. This not only exposes them to more ideas and helps build a more open-mindedness, it also allows for a healthy exchange of ideas and concepts. This can be a tremendous boon to their social development, a clear benefit that translates directly into the real world. If nothing else, multiplayer tactics will teach them the value of teamwork.

There are also some "Logic" games found online. By playing these, children are able to hone their intellect, which will be beneficial when he grows up. The child will be able to develop his skills which include problem-solving, memory, math and computation skills, vocabulary, and so on. Some of these logic games are "4 Elements", "Super Text Twist", "Jewel Quest", "Turbo Pizza" and "7 Wonders".

A child can also develop his technological skills by playing online games. In these modern times, these skills are just as essential as computation skills. Computer and tech savvy people tend to get better jobs than those who aren’t. This kind of activity can greatly improve a child’s education and his career in the future.

Lastly, children who play online games are able to learn how to multitask. Think of games like Diner Dash", "Cake Mania", "Virtual Villagers", and "Turbo Subs". To be able to finish the level, the player must first reach the given quota. To be able to reach the quota, one has to be able to do different tasks efficiently. As the level increases, there are more tasks given and they’re usually even more challenging than the previous ones.

Now you are aware of how online gaming can also be good for children. However, you should still be sure that your child is safe while he’s online. The parents should regularly check their children’s activities online. Make sure that it’s age-appropriate, so they don’t have to deal with topics and language that is inappropriate for their young age. Also, with the recent influx of internet crimes like identity-theft, the children should be taught not to give out their personal information to just any stranger.

After reading all of the above benefits, parents will hopefully have a change of mind regarding the way they oppose gaming so intensely. The keys are appropriate guidance and precautions. Yes, Internet safety may still be an issue but parents only have to be on the watch as their children try on these new hobbies. By being with them, they can ensure that the content that the kids are reading is appropriate to their age so that they won’t have to be exposes to unsuitable themes and languages.