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Tips From WoW Designer As New Raid Open (Part 2)

Both LFR and Mythic Highmaul went live yesterday. You can see them on 10 AM PST. For more updates and WoW BOE items with discount prices, you can stay close on our site. We have already presented you the part 1 of the tips give by the lead designer Ion “Watcher” Hazzikostas. Here continue reading, part 2 will be offered here!

Eighthly, Random raids in Warlords of Draenor. Highmaul opens to randomly formed groups of players using Warcraft’s Raid Finder tool, also known as “Looking for Raid” or “LFR” by players. It’s designed as the least difficult version of the dungeon, because it throws groups of random players together to figure out how to defeat it.

Now, players can fight Kargath, The Butcher, and Brackenspore on LFR difficulty. The week after (Dec. 16), they can battle Tectus, the Twin Ogron, and Ko’ragh. LFR players won’t see Imperator Mar’gok until after the holidays on Jan. 6. Hazzikostas said Blizzard chose to keep Mar’gok in his own wing after seeing players take on Garrosh Hellscream as the final boss in the Mists of Pandaria expansion.

“Three bosses is a good length for a wing,” he said. “We know our end bosses tend to be more complex, lengthier encounters. Garrosh was kind of rough coming at the end of a full wing. If he were just a standalone boss, it adds to the weight and the importance of that boss, but also makes the encounter more manageable.”

Ninethly, the Twin Ogron. The brothers Pol and Phemos are Ogron: half-ogre; half huge, ugly, cyclops-like Gronn. They are “fearsome warriors,” Hazzikostas said. “Their gimmick is that their abilities become more potent the farther apart you keep them.” But stacking them on top of each other isn’t good for player health either, because some things they do hurt when doubled up. So players will have to drag them apart, then back together, during the fight, he said.

Tenthly, Imperator Mar’gok. The final boss of the raid dungeon is Imperator Mar’gok, the sorcerer-king of the ogre empire. This fight is most similar to the Lei Shen encounter in the Throne of Thunder raid dungeon in Mists of Pandaria, Hazzikostas said.

In the beginning, Mar’gok uses basic abilities: spells, a debuff that turns players into a living bomb, additional smaller enemies that he summons, and the like. But periodically during the fight, Mar’gok pauses for an intermission, using one of three relics that add to his power.

The rune of replication multiplies the things he does, creating new images of himself and duplicating his spells. The rune of fortification adds to the health of the smaller foes he summons, and roots the players who have become the bomb to the ground, forcing the rest of your group to scatter.The rune of displacement adds elements of movement to the fight, he said. So a player who becomes the bomb is randomly teleported to a different spot in the area, for example.