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Don’t Miss These Cheats When You Play Mr Jump

Everyday, we are busy for life, we are busy for working. But we also need to spend some time for ourselves. For many people nowadays. Mobile strategy games has become a wonderful choice after a busy working day. Take some rest and make us relax from the tension. Mr jump, as a game has on the board of top free strategy games has been really popular among people. We would like to share some strategies about this game for you. Just hope you can have fun.

Don’t get tap happy. It's important to figure out where you should tap and where you should leave well enough alone. In certain areas it's better to let Mr Jump simply walk off a cliff, so to speak. If there's only a small gap to jump across and the other side is lower than the land you're currently on, that's a good indication that you don't need to jump. This only creates more taps and more room for error, so watch for clues like this to make passing levels slightly easier.

A lot of Mr Jump involves repetition and remembering what works in different sections of each level. As you find ways to pass obstacles that works, remember those and use them again. For most people this game is a game of progression, not a game that you can simply blow through. Remembering what works for you is a good way to progress faster. As they always say, don't fix what isn't broke!

Try to look in the middle of the screen. focus your eyes, not completely but slightly. I've found this method to work on some levels since you it lets you view more at once. This obviously doesn't work as well on the iPad as it does on the iPhone. But if you don't have an iPad, it's a good trick to try.

After you making this free mobile game download. You will find that it will not make any difference you tap the screen light or hard. Don't forget that the iPhone and iPad aren't pressure sensitive. That means you don't have to vary how hard you push down on the screen. You only need to concentrate on how long you leave your finger pressed down. Pressing down too hard can result in a longer press than you intended while pressing down too softly can result in your iPhone or iPad not registering anything at all.

People always like to skip levels. But our suggestion is that do not need to do like this. Skipping levels isn't necessarily going to help you. Since Mr Jump is a progressive game, odds are a skill you acquire in one level, you'll need in another. It's best to just work your way through a level, taking breaks in between. This way the next level isn't overwhelming when you get to it, which has been my experience with the two levels I skipped. I actually ended up going back and beating them the real way.

In mobile game marketing, always there will some new app games be created. But no matter what games you are playing, just want to have fun, so does what we provided here. Hope you can have fun!