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Enslaved vs Castlevania

Castlevania is a franchise that's been running for as long as we can remember, and Lords of Shadow is a spectacular new beginning for Konami. It's not going to have an easy ride at retail, though, with Namco's Enslaved fighting for the same hack 'n' slash shelf space. Does the newcomer have what it takes to topple the veteran?


Enslaved's story of Monkey and Trip's adventure through a devastated New York was penned by Alex Garland of The Beach and 28 Days Later fame. Castlevania doesn't have the same writing pedigree, but it's tale of a man seeking to save the world and bring back his lost wife is incredibly engaging.

Winner: Enslaved

Few games have a script as impressive as Enslaved's. It's believable, isn't over-written and features some brilliant characters.