Suck My Controller is the Gamers Heroes Podcast where we talk about video games. We love all different kinds of Video Games from the most popular franchises like Pokemon and Call of Duty to the smaller names in the MMO universe. If you like our podcast make sure to rate us on iTunes and give us some subscibtions. Just search Gamers Heroes or Suck My Controller and get our weekly angel voices for your ears.
This week is a little late and a little short but still packed full of enjoyment and juicy content. Jake again couldn’t join us because he is probably to busy not being around listening to us! We break apart Borderlands 2 this week and talk about the amazing writing, weapons and lack luster side quests. We have been writing a ton of guides so make sure to check those out. We also talk about some MMO news along side some new hardware that is available from SteelSeriese. Come listen to us as we shoot the s*** about this week in video games. Make sure to listen to the end for your way to get a copy of a free game!
Suck My Controller: Borderlands 2 Edition (MP3) – 44 MB (right click to save) Subscribe to us in on any of your devices or readers!
Make sure to tell us what you think at [email protected].
If you ever want a backstage peek at what we talk about before or after the show make sure to listen to our outro with music this week by DJ Cutman & Sparmtron. The song is called Overworld and can be found here. The remix of old Zelda music is pretty amazing so make sure to check out their site.
Some links to follow us at. Make sure you check out our facebook for contests!
Thousand Cuts is the area where you meet up with Brick. After you get through the story quest here he will go back to Sanctuary. From there you can get some side quests for the area
This Borderlands 2 Walkthrough Guide Collection will give easy links to all of our currently published Borderlands 2 Guides, opening in new windows for ease of use
Lynchwood is the town where Jack’s girlfriend lives. She is the sheriff of the town and seems to be just as crazy as Jack. There are quite a few side quests here and this guide will help you beat
The Borderlands can be a tumultuous place, so why not use our guides to help in your journeys to the next vault. The first area of Borderlands 2 is called Southern Shelf. There is plenty of area to
Sanctuary is one of the town hubs that you come across very early in the Borderlands 2 Campaign. All of your favorite characters are there along with 5 Vault Symbols to be found
The Caustic Caverns open up after Sanctuary is moved. You need to fight your way through the Sanctuary hole in order to get to the zone. Here there are a few side quests to be done
The first bosses in Borderlands 2 are Boom and Bewm. Boom sits in a giant tank while Bewm flies around and tries flank you. There is a challenge here to not get shot by the tank
Eridium is one of the most sought after currency on Pandora in Borderlands 2. You can use Eridium to buy upgrades for all of your weapons, banks and backpack that you used to have to buy with money