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Metal Gear Solid 5: Footprints of Phantoms

This walkthrough will show you how to earn the S Rank on the Metal Gear Solid 5: Footprints of Phantoms mission. We’ll also list all of the mandatory and optional objectives for you, but the time bonus is all that you’ll need to earn the S Rank and get a score of 130,000. Of course, if this is your first play through you may want to spend some time sneaking, exploring and sending resources (living and inanimate) back to your Mother Base. If the S Rank is all that you’re after though, let us show you the way.


  • Eliminated all Walker Gears (Mandatory).
  • Extract two prisoners held at Ditadi Abandoned Village (Optional).
  • Extract all Walker Gears (Optional).
  • Pick a Digitalis plant at the Ditadi Abandoned Village (Optional).
  • Extract a truck at Ditadi Abandoned Village (Optional).


If you get the option, choose to infiltrate at the landing zone to the southwest of the Ditadi Abandoned Village. Bring up your iDROID and zoom in on the village on your map, looking for the T intersection that separates the two sides. You’re going to be headed to the east side, and more specifically, the two small clusters of buildings that sit the farthest to the east. That is where you’re going to find all four pieces of the Walker Gear that you need to destroy (or extract).

If this is your first play through, consider looking over the optional objectives and visiting the village. There are some things worth seeing and doing there if the S Rank isn’t your priority, but our goal today is to get you a score of 130,000 points (the S Rank requirement). On our journey to do that, the only optional objective that makes sense is the one to extract all Walker Gears, but this can only be done if you have the upgraded Fulton Recovery Device. If you don’t, you’ll be using C4 to destroy them, but can still earn the S Rank.

Your best bet is to use your D-Horse to move counter clockwise around the village, coming up on the two clusters of buildings and having your tranquilizer pistol ready. There will be several guards, and if you alert them you’re going to have to face the Walker Gear you are tasked with destroying. Make sure you move quickly, but also keep your head on a swivel. Nail any guards that you see with a dart to the head, and then quickly plant C4 on the Walker Gear, or extract it using the Fulton Recovery Device.

Also, if you have staffing needs back at your Mother Base, you might as well extract a few of the sleeping guards, as filling your departments with talent is always a good idea. Just be quick, making sure that you don’t give up that time bonus for completing the mission quickly.

When you’re done, all that is left to do is to leave the hot zone, completing the mission and earning yourself one more S Rank.

Continue to Metal Gear Solid 5: Traitors’ Caravan, or return to the Metal Gear Solid 5 Walkthrough and Guide.