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Walkthrough for Beyond Good and Evil Demo

If there is something to be said for the previous generation of games, it was there was a suprising number of sleeper hits.

The trial version of the game offers a fairly complete version of the actual game's opening. You start as Jade, who is meditating with one of her friends when an attack is beginning. She runs and activates their shield only to find that their credit account lacks the funds. She curses this as "rocks" begin to fall from the sky. She manages to dodge every one that falls near her. However, some children, who were hiding in a cave, emerge to cheer her on. This leads to their capture. You take control of Jade as she picks up a burning stick to free her friends. You need to defeat a number of these creatures, each of them will release one of the children who were captured.

She walks forward to investigate what the thing is in the crater. Something breaks out of the ground and grabs her, pulling her down into the crater. She struggles to no avail. A creature with an Eye head appears before her and projects images into her mind. Jade struggles to stay concious, but it is clear that she is losing

Pey'j breaks out of the shield tower and runs to Jade's aid. They fight the creature u, with Pey'j making a distraction so Jade can focus on her charge attacks to bring down the spine shield around herself then the monster, the DomZ. As it falls its leaves behind a mysterious orb, a pearl, that Pey'j sees as precious and that it is Jade's. Walking over to it, Jade has her portable scanner,Segundo, check it out. It tells her that it is valuable on the black market. It also remarks that something managed to get into your Psycho-karma. Without much more to see, you can exit out of the inventory screen and a member of Alpha Section will appear with a teleport/elevator out of the crater. She will emerge out of the crater to the rest of Alpha Section and an interview. While she barely manages a syllable, with notable tunnel vision, Pey'j manages to mouth them off nicely. She passes out just after they leave.

When Jade comes to, they are now faced with cold, hard facts. They have no money and just about everthing is broken. Segundo presents a plan to take photos of various animals and pass them over to the Science Center. He claims that they will be paying top dollar for photos that will, eventually, catalogue all the natural animal life on  the planet. You will be prompted to take out the camera and take a picture of the nearby bug. When you do, you will receive 150 credits for the effort. You will also learn that you can get a digital zoom after you take 7 more pictures and send them to the science academy. Head upstairs and you will be able to take another photo or two. The first is the white animal sleep in a small nook not too far away from the stop of the ramp. Anything that registers as organic and not in database, you should take a photo of. After a few photos, you will have enough to pay off Optima. After that, take some time to get the rest of the occupants of the house. After that, step outside and snap a few more photos. This is a great way to build up some credits. Take a little time to explore the island, snapping photos before you make too much progress so you can have a nice credit base, in case.

After that, head back toward the house and then to the right to investigate the to Mdisk waiting for Jade with a Job. Follow it into the hanger and deeper! Head to the left from there and keep following the droid. This will lead to Pey'j's Workshop. Head on in and Pey'j will get the Mdisk reader working. Don't forget to take a photo of him to get some credits for it. Grab the Mdisk and bring it over to the player to the left. Pop it in to receive a message from Mr. De Castelliac. He wants you to head to the ancient mine on the Black Isle, if you are interested in taking on this delicate mission of his. It is also revealed that using the Mdisk reader is how one will be saving their game, for those who have not played the game prior.

Jade will talk to Pey'j about the job. He will be surprisingly reluctant to accept the job. Segundo presses the matter, stating they need the money to pay their bills. Pey'j will accept that they need to do this job to get everything running. He will leave, commenting that everything would fall apart without him, as if to mock him, the fan breaks as he leaves the room. Follow him out after Segundo completes his download. Head off to the left and through the door under the broken fan, back out into the hanger. Head to the right and go down the wooden ramps to the dock with the hovercraft that Pey'j is working on. Head over to him and talk to him to progress on in the demo.

Pey'j needs your help to get the hovercraft up and running. He needs you to get the generator running. Head over to the work bench and grab the items on it. On the far right are Boost capsules that will triple the maximum speed of your hovercraft for a while. It explains how to use them. To the left is a pair of P-O-Ds, which can be used to repair your vehicle on the road. From there, you will want to push the generator just in front of the P-O-Ds. Pey'j will run over and help you push the generator into position. After that, head over to the hovercraft and hop into it.

Now, you are in control of the hovercraft. You control it much like Jade. Use the compass to steer in the direction of Mammago garage. Unfortunately the hovercraft will break down not too far out, completely. A little, rather joyous, tow will come and grab you and take you over to the garage.

This is where the demo ends unfortunately. It gives you small taste of what the game is like and shows the start of the story, leaving you at a good point to take a break but not one that you might agree with.