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Dragon Age II Walkthrough: Character Creation Guide and Prologue

Choose your class and gender

This is the first choice that comes up once you select "New Game". You will be controlling  Garret Hawke or Marian Hawke (character name can be changed), depending on your choice of gender. The choice of gender is mostly cosmetic, and affects some of the dialog, but has no impact on your character stats. Your character class, on the other hand, is important and you should choose it carefully based on your preferred playstyle. Choice of class will determine your stats, powers, abilities, weapons, armor, and style of combat.

Dragon Age 2 classes

There are three classes you can choose from:

Mage: This is the magic casting class, and can deal massive damage to many enemies at once using area of effect spells. Can also specialize for support roles such as healing and debuffing. While mages can be extremely powerful, they cannot take much damage and are very vulnerable when taking direct damage or when confronted at melee range. Mages rely on their allies to keep enemies away from them.

Warrior: Warriors can be either tanks or damage dealers. They wear heavy armor and can wield a two handed weapon, or a shield for additional defense. They can take the most damage of the three classes, making them a good tank.

Rogue: Rogues strike fast, whether using a dagger from behind, or shooting arrows from range. They can deal a lot of damage to a single target, but are less fitted to fight against big groups.

Note: If this is your first time playing, we recommend you choose a mage.

Don't worry about your character's appearance just yet, you will be prompted to customize it soon.

Once you have selected your character, a cut scene will introduce you to the story with Cassandra Pentaghast interrogating Varric Tethras. This is the prologue of the game. During the cut scene, when Varric tells the story, you will be able to control your character as he combats enemies. You will be fighting several groups of hurlocks, finishing off with a confrontation against a giant Ogre. Carver (warrior) will fight alongside you (or Bethany - a mage - if you chose a class other then a mage). During the fight, you will also be presented with several dialog options. Dialogs play a big part in the game and influence quests as well as your relations with other characters and with your companions (party members).

Dragon Age 2 Fight

The first combat is pretty easy, so take this chance to experiment with all your powers and try a variety of moves. Treat this as the tutorial for the game.

Once you have defeated the Ogre at the end of the first combat sequence, you will be taken to the character customization panel. You can customize the following options:

Dragon Age 2 Customization

Appearance: Choose from several preset options, and customize your skin, hair, eyes, nose, mouth, jaw/cheeks, and neck/ears.

Preset: Choose the default character look, or choose a starting point for your character customization.
Skin: Modify your skin complexion, skin tone, tattoo, tattoo color, tattoo intensity.
Hair: Change hairstyle, beard style, hair/beard color, eyebrows, stubble, eyebrow/stubble color.
Eyes: Select eye shape, eye size, eye spacing, eye height, eye color, brow depth, brow height.
Nose: Alter your nose shape, nose size, nose depth, nose height, nostril width, bridge depth, bridge width, tip width, tip depth.
Mouth: Mouth height, lip size, overbite/underbite.
Jaws/Cheeks: Cheekbone depth, cheekbone width, cheek width, cheekbone height, chin height, chin depth, chin width, jaw width.
Neck/Ears: Ear height, ear size, neck thickness.

Portrait: This affects how your character is resembled in the portrait. Modify the following options: Look up/down, turn left/right, camera distance, move left/right, move up/down, background.

Name: Choose a first name for your character. Surname is "Hawke" (Surname cannot be changed).

Events of Dragon Age: Origins: What did your character do in Dragon Age: Origins? This influences some of the quests and dialog. You can import your completed saved game from Dragon Age: Origins, or, if you have not played Dragon Age: Origins or you otherwise prefer, choose from a pre-built history. The choices are:

Hero of Ferelden (Default History): This is the default choice, where the Warden acted as a noble hero throughout Origins.
The Martyr (Pre-Built History): In this history, the Warden sacrificed himself at the Climax for the good of Ferelden.
No Compromise (Pre-Built History): In this history, the Warden stopped at no means to get his goals.

If this is your first time playing, we recommend you choose the default mode (Hero of Ferelden).

Difficulty Level: This option shows once you choose to start the game. We recommend you choose "Normal". Choose "Casual" if this is your first time playing an RPG. Choose "Hard" if you are going through the game a second or third time. Choose "Nightmare" if you are a real veteran and looking for a big challenge! You can change this option later.

Once you have selected the difficulty level, game resumes. You and your family are running away from darkspawn who have pillaged your village. Run along the path. Make sure to loot everything along the way. After the first battle in the path, you should level up. Assign your attribute points choose your new abilities. You will be joined by Aveline and Wesley further down the road. Proceed fighting all enemies you encounter. Make sure to save the game often. Finally, you arrive at the top of the hill where you fight the Ogre. Wesley and Either Bethany or Carver die in that fight. After you win, you will encounter a witch who  helps you, then you set sail to Kirkwall.

Dragon Age 2 Gallows

You arrive at the Gallows at Kirkwall. Head for Captain Ewald and be prepared for battle.

Talk to Gamlen and decide whether to do the job for Meeran or Athenril. You can also betray one of them, and do both jobs for more loot and experience!

The Destruction of Lothering

Speak with Meeran. Then go find Lord Fiedrich, tell him you are there to kill him. A battle ensues. Try to focus on Fiedrich as much as you can, but use Area of Effect attacks to clear his guards if possible. Once you kill him, go back and talk to Meeran. Talk to Gamlen afterwards. This will get you into the city.