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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 1 - The Duke Lives!

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 1 – The King is Back!

When the game begins, you're standing in front of a urinal. Pull the offered trigger to relieve yourself. After a moment Duke tells you to stop that and get into the game. Turn to the right and walk on out of the restroom. You'll emerge into a planning session of a number of EDF to attack a big mechanical cyclops. You can draw on the board using the pens and your trigger buttons. Whatever you do, you'll get an Ego Boost, which means more life for you!

Now head on out on the tail of the soldiers, around the barrier and through the double doors. Walk after the troops to see them get blown up and yourself pushed back a ways. Now head down the corridor on your left. Keep follow it to the left to stay alive. When told how to sprint, click it and charge down the corridor. You'll arrive at an elevator with a devastator just sitting there waiting for Duke Love. Grab it to reach the football field above and your first real alien fight

Once you get up there, put a little distance between you and it. Start unloading the Devastator in its face and upper body. He only has a few attacks but they hurt a fair bit. First it launches rockets at you, easily enough to avoid. Second it will pound the ground and send a shock wave at you. Third, it'll charge you. Strafe him, moving sideways while constantly aiming at it, to get the best results. If you run out of ammo, and you will, run and look for flares that are burning on the ground. You'll find more Devastator ammo there for you to use.

Once you drain down the life bar, jump on it. You'll be told to tap a button rapidly, do so. Next, hit the button to kick a field goal with the eye. After this, the game runs to its title screen with Duke busy with twins. Head to the right after finishing the game and head between the aquariums into the next area. Keep going to the right, through the double doors, corridor and into the elevator on the far end of it. Interact with it to open it up and again on the inside to get down to the floor you need to go to.

The Duke indeed lives!