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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 7 – Lady Killer Part 3

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 7 – Lady Killer Part 3

Head down the corridor, kill the Captains then get to the far side of the room at the end of the corridor. Head down the next corridor to the right, again, killing the aliens you find there. When you get into the room with the Duke Statue, it's time for a simple puzzle. You want to rotate the statue so you can jump onto one arm and be sure to raise the gun arm so you can make it up to the next level. Get the raised arm aligned with the EDF soldier that you see above you to be able to reach the floor. Once you make it up, be prepared for a pig cop to come bursting out at you. You want to go through the door he comes out of. Head on over and into the service hallway. Climb up the fallen ventilation into ventilation and follow this on through.

After you punch through the grating blocking your way you'll find yourself in a small little prison. Don't touch the red beams as they'll instantly kill you. You'll, instead, want to shoot out the mines from a short distance back. The hallway you find yourself in has a lot of them in it, so keep on guard and shoot them out carefully to avoid dying a lot. The next set you can duck under to keep things simple. The third set you can just jump over using the crates on the left-hand side. The fourth you can again just walk under, very apparent how too. Once you round the corner, you'll find yet more trip mines on the right-hand wall. Shoot them out to proceed. After, shoot the fire extinguisher that is just under the mines to put out the fires that were started. You'll need to this a small number of times as you walk down the hallway. So if fire is blocking your way, look for an extinguisher. Once you make it past all the fires, you will find 4 trip mines that you can take. A fun new toy for Duke to use, always good. Open the door and start down the corridor to your right.

A number of pig cops will attack you. Kill them however, just do it fast. After a short little scene, an Assault Commander comes in with pig cop reinforcements. Fun times here. Keep on the move to avoid his rockets and him knocking you over. Just keep blasting him, best with the shotgun, to take him down fast. After that guy drops, the double doors to the front of the Lady Killer open. Walk through them to talk with the General and finish up this chapter.