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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 17 – The Duke Burger Part 2

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 17 – The Duke Burger Part 2

Walk on forward. The tiles under your feet will give out and you'll fall to the floor. Step onto the metal pad to return to normal size again. The EDF soldier has some pipe bombs and ammo around him so grab some. Head forward to get into the Duke Burger itself through the double doors. In the dining area, a number of the overturned popcorn tubs have miniaturized pig cops in them. Either shoot them from a distance or knock off the tub, look down at your feet and stomp them. Head to the far side of the room and go through the opening in the partition. You'll be shrunk down and have to fight a number of other miniaturized pig cops. Kill them then make your way onto the counter. You can either climb up using the boxes nearby or by hopping up using the pig cop statue. Head to the far side of it where you can cross to the back counter using a tray. From there, head over toward the door and climb up the piping at the far end of the counter. From there you can drop onto the root and follow it on into the game room.

Hop off the root once you are in either of the hoops games and down onto the floor. Walk around you will encounter a small wave of rats that need killing. After that, you'll have a trio of assault captains come in to try and kill you as well. If you're having trouble taking them down, lure them onto the shrink pads to make your life a lot easier.

Head into the store room that they came out of and to the far end of it. Climb up the boxes on your left, just be mindful of the mouse trap on that first box. Climb up the boxes and onto the shelves. Some pig cops will attack from the opposite side of the room. Kill them then keep going up. On the top shelf you'll see another group of pig cops that are ready for you. Kill them then head to the opposite end of the shelf. From the dead EDF soldier, jump across to the opposite box and climb up on the pipe on the far right. Head to your left and bounce off the spatula to reach the grating that you can punch through.

In this room you need to make it to the opposite side to save the babe. Go to your left and move around the mouse traps. A few rats will come at you so either manuever them into the traps or just kill them however. After that, climb on the dolly that's surround by mouse traps. Jump from the table you're on onto the ice box then bounce onwards using the spatula. Move toward and jump onto the next spatula. Carefully jump onto the shelving nearby and smash through the condiments. Jump from there into the sink and finally over to where the start switch is. Hit that and the dish washer to your right will open. Head into it and force open the far side of it. Keep crossing the counter and push over the broom you see. This will make it so you can cross to the next counter safely.

Cross the broom and deal with the pig cops that try to kill you when you reach the far end of the counter. Now hop up onto the boxes then jump onto the shelf above you. Repeat this ascent at the next box. Now, on the top shelf again, make your way through the cans of sauce and jump over to where the pig cops were with the shelving available. Once you arrive, smash the mayo bottle in front of you to open up the top shelf to you. Hop on top of the heating lamps then across to the next surface. The shelf will topple so follow it downwards. Make your way across the safe surfaces to encounter another pig cop on the far side of the room. Kill it then jump across using the box of meat and a running start. Make your way up to the burners using the boxes nearby. Knock the can out of the way then carefully make your way across the burners. You can cross the grill in after the burners using the hamburgers. You'll want to jump onto the table in front of you then onto the nearby body and finally to the shelving you see in front of you.

Climb up to your left then turn around and jump onto the next shelf. You'll find a counter with some waffles on them, jump over there. Now go over to the toaster and use it. Now hop onto the top of it to get launched up to the high shelf above you. Cross it and jump to the next one on your right. Walk over to the line with the pots and pans on it and use the hook you see. You'll land in front of another grill with burgers on it. Again, hop across using the burgers. Be sure on the far side to hop off to the left and into into the frier. Just after that you will finally reach the circuit breaker and be able to shut off the electricity.

She'll go and open a door for you so follow her. Head into the new room and climb upwards using the boxes. Smash the grate when you get to it. Jump into it and flip on Duke Vision. Follow it along to reach the next part of the Duke Burger.