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Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 26 – The Shrunken Machine Part 2

Duke Nukem Forever Walkthrough Part 26 – The Shrunken Machine Part 2

Head downstairs and open the door on your left. Head through the steam carefully as it can hurt you. Now head into the opening in the fencing and to the pressure valve that is right beside you. Turn it to the  left to open the steam and clear away the obstruction. Head across the way. Before you can use the next pressure valve, you need to divert the steam there. Just look to your right and you'll see a switch. Walk over to it and throw it. Now walk forward and you'll see a second set of pipes you need to adjust. Throw the first switch and push it forward. Now you need to duck under the pipe, throw the far switch and push it one more time. Now head back to the pressure valve and turn it on.  Head down the now cleared corridor.

Turn and shoot the explosive spore in your way. Head on forward. Smash throw the wood beams blocking your way and its back into action. You have got a number of pig cops and a few assault commanders to deal with in this room. Kill them all. When you do head to the far section with the ladder. Smash the wood beam nearby to lower it. Take the ladder up then head down the corridor to your right. You have a few pig cops attack you so keep on your toes, otherwise, just head straight. You'll make a right turn then head through the door in front of you. At the far end of this room is another Shrink Pod. Go ahead and step on it. Walk forward and a number of rats will attack you. Kill them all then head through the open vent on the right. You get some ammo headed down that way. Go to the next vent covering to your left. You need to unscrew the bolts to get in.

Duck on in. When you reach the open area in front of you, you'll fall down a slide. Just enjoy the ride and what Duke says. When you land, head to your left. You'll see a broom blocking a fan below you. Destroy the broom to get a lift upwards. Smash the grate you eventually encounter to get out of the ventilation shaft. Now smash the next grate you see to move on forward. Head through the small shaft and you will, once again, need to get a bolt off to progress. Head on through the access panel that opens. Climb up the pipe on the far side. You need to jump onto the rotating cog then off again on the opposite side. Again, climb up the pipe. Step onto the cog in front of you and get off it when you are aligned with the the busted grating. Turn to your left and fall down the shaft. When you land, angle your head up. You will see a bit of circuitry with two electrical feeds going to it. Shoot it to disengage it and shut down the fan in front of you. Duck under the blades and drop down the shaft.

When you land, you want to smash the grating in front of you. Head down this path and ride the gear upwards. Once you are on top you have a tricky situation in front of you. You need to walk across the moving gears and walk through the holes of the larger gears. This can take a few tries. Head up the final trio of moving gears and jump onto the nearby piping. Now head along the piping and jump up the pipe stairs. You need to get past the cylinder and smash through the grating to find a circuit. Hit it to disengage it. Head to the next one on your right. Again, smash the grating then hit the circuit to disengage it. Now you need to get through all three of the cylinders to reach the next circuit. Make a right just past them and smash the grate in front of you to reach the final circuit. Stay where you are as the rest of the area explodes around you.

Now head out, after the explosions. Go to your left, through the stopped fan and up to the grate you see in front of you. Head forward and smash the grating beneath your feet. Head forward and through the room you find yourself in. You will see some cases sitting around, you will want to climb up those. Keep going forward then climb up the pipe. You need to carefully walk over to the open grating when you reach the top of it. Melee to smash the glass and fall down to the floor.

When you land, kill the two small aliens however and keep moving forward. At the far end of the room you will find an elevator you can hit the call button for. When you do though you will be attacked by a lot of small aliens. Take them out to get the elevator to appear. The problem there is an Enforcer is waiting inside for you.  Unlike most bosses, this guy can be gunned down, it just takes lots and lots of ammo and some explosives. Just unload into him, if you have a Holo-Duke, this is one of the best times to use it. If not, just keep moving. There's a good bit of ammo around the room.

Head into the elevator when it is all said and done. Push the wash bucket forward then jump onto it to hit the floor button and get out of this particular area.